#kanna kii



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Harukaze no Etranger - Chapter 23

Shun didn’t tell his editor that he was moving to Tokyo and accidentally bumped into her at the bookstore he was working.

Meanwhile, Mio is having a lot of free time so he decides to explore the places by himself. He went to a cafe and met a guy who loves horse racing. (He looks like the guy who first took Shun to a hotel and gave him some money on vol 1 of Harukaze but I’m not very sure.)

Mio looks at the race the guy is watching and comments that the horses look really cool. The guy gets excited and starts talking to him about horse racing stuff. He ended up sending Mio home by a taxi, and Shun saw Mio walking out of the taxi and waving to him on his way home.

Shun tried to respect Mio’s privacy and didn’t talk about it but he was really bothered by it xD Like who is the guy? Where and when did Mio meet him? And how did they become friends etc.

In the end, he ended up asking if Mio wanted to go somewhere together, to which Mio was super excited.

There are so many places Mio wanted to go, so they drew lots to decide xD

In the end, they went to Ueno and guess next chapter will be about their trip :3

Harukaze no Etranger - Chapter 22.5

Sorry for not updating for so long so I’m gonna do both chapter 22.5 and 23 today :3

Mio and Shun are getting used to the life in the city. They live in a crowded neighborhood, with no bathtub so they have to go to a public bathroom, but everything is going alright.

Shun’s mother misses them a lot and she talked to Shun on the phone about adopting Mio, in case something happens when there are only the two of them, which made Mio very happy.

He told Shun on their way home that he is okay with the adoption idea but Shun said that its not a matter that can be decided easily, that he is fine anyway, but Mio should think about it more seriously because he has a long life ahead etc, which makes Mio mad xD

Mio shouted at Shun for saying like they are going to break up someday and asked if Shun even loved him. Shun cunningly said, “I wonder?” to that which freakes Mio out even more xD (Of course that was a joke and he said he loved Mio right after that :3)

At night, when the two of them are sleeping on their bed, Shun thinks to himself that Tokyo is the best because that’s the city where the two of them are living together <3
