#karolina x nico




↳ Favorite relationship: Deanoru / Karolina Dean x Nico Minoru

alex: can you two stop talking about your sexuality for a second?





⚪️ am gay

⚪️ am straight

⚪️ am bi

don’t mean, like, your literal light, though that’s pretty cool, too, but the light inside of you that warmth, that openness, that’s everything that I like about you. That’s what makes you who you are.

nico, introducing karolina: this is my better half

karolina, introducing nico: this is my bitter half

nico: who the fuck ate my fries? i will ki-

karolina: i did

nico: kiss you and ask you if you want more, honey

gert, to nico: so are you the big spoon or the little spoon

nico: i’m a knife

karolina: she’s the little spoon

chase: so whats the plan

karolina, pulling out a list of 101 ways of wooing nico:

gert: no, the other plan

karolina, tucking it away: alright so i was thinking the element of surprise

karolina: do you want to know your gay name?

nico: my… gay name?

karolina: yeah, it’s your first name-

nico: ha ha, very funny.

karolina, getting down on one knee: -and my last name.

nico: oh my god

nico: you okay?

karolina, crying: yeah it was just these onions

nico, to the onions: what the fuck did you say to my girlfriend



‪nico: how the fuck did you say that out loud
