

it’s time for my poor baby chota and how he deserved better !

context : i’m reading the aib’s manga and i can’t sleep so i’m over analyzing it and the show

-> spoiler manga and show

first don’t hit me for what i’m about to say plz

in the show i didn’t really like chota…

lemme explain ! he was just the weak boy, and that was his only role. sure his death made me kinda sad but if I had to chose in the game who should survive i wouldn’t pick him

but manga chota… outch his death made me sob

in the manga this guy is, at first, ‘the stupid pervert’ like we can find in any other manga, i didn’t like him bc i usually despite those characters but whatever let’s give the boy a chance

after he get injured in the first game, he started to apologize for keeping his friends behind and i was like </3 noo sweety it’s not your fault

now let me explain his death (major difference than in the show i think) it’s still the 7 of heart, the hide and seek game yk but this time the characters really hate each other for few minutes, karube is ready to kill shibuki, arisu and chota are standing there not knowing what to do,

they all want to survive so bad the drama made this scene softer

then, big mistake, shibuki gives the wolf to chota and the guy starts running away, arisu behind him

due to his injurie he can’t go far and arisu ‘steel’ the worlf’s role and then run away from him with it, telling chota that’s they’re not friends anymore

karube is screaming, saying that he will kill arisu. in this shape of mind, right then, if he could he would actually have done it, believe me, the scene was really soft in the show

and then, chota start : « stop i don’t want it to end like this, yk i kept a secret from you guys even if we’re besties i’m sorry dont be mad but I did it » (talking about shibuki and him yk)

this give arisu is memories of how he became chota’s friend and show him how the smaller boy is a great person,

if, at the end, he wanted to give up on the game it’s not bc of himself but thanks to chota, this guy gave him the small character development he needed, he calmed the anger, the rage of all of his friend and thanks to him arisu did’nt became some asshole who would do everything to survive 

and i think chota, in the show, deserved to be a bit more than this weak ass character who didn’t believe in god but knewn only one line of text about him

(again i’m complaining but i’m so in love with the show it doesn’t matter)
