
I just think they are really neat and I have also read just abt every fic about them on AO3. 

I just think they are really neat and I have also read just abt every fic about them on AO3. 

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Kassandra and Brasidas i guess. Odyssey was fun. Time to go thru another 100+hrs playthru file. 

Kassandra and Brasidas i guess. Odyssey was fun. Time to go thru another 100+hrs playthru file. 

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Today I have nothing good to offer but badly drawn Kassidas content. Tomorrow… Who knows?Today I have nothing good to offer but badly drawn Kassidas content. Tomorrow… Who knows?

Today I have nothing good to offer but badly drawn Kassidas content. Tomorrow… Who knows?

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battle couples has gotta be one of my favorite tropes though. The “you got me?” “Yeah, I got you.” The kiss for good luck. Fighting alongside each other for so long they know every strength and weakness. The dichotomy of being fucking terrifying to their enemies, but so soft with each other. When one is in danger and the other goes feral,protects them at any cost.When everything is over and done, it’s all “let me see where you’re hurt,” and washing off the dirt and blood.

plummeting-plum:Her scent in his nose: sweat and iron and the lye and leather of her hair. She draws


Her scent in his nose: sweat and iron and the lye and leather of her hair. She draws back and looks him in the eye, and the motion and madness around them at once seems slow, distant and utterly unimportant.

(self-indulgent illustration from warmth on the mountain)

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