#katie forester

alliedrawer: ”Oni, oni, let’s see… Here! Onis are ruthless, boisterous, savage-””whisper…””giant, di


”Oni, oni, let’s see… Here! Onis are ruthless, boisterous, savage-”


”giant, dim-witted-”


”violent brutes that enjoy terrorizing humans and other yokais. The only thing superior to their strength is their stupidity, and- wait, what’s wrong, Katie?”

Anyway here’s my take on the 4 oni siblings design! Yeah Orcanos is a tall buff woman, you’re welcome!

Post link


Remember the comic where whisper crushed on both of Fumis parents?


We all know that Kyubii likes Katie,but who knew he had a thing for Nate?

(Now I can see why people ship Kyubii and Nate)

Edit-I should’ve tagged @thatonedabboi

hello guys, today I leave you a drawing of Katie and Whisper (chibi) and with a mini White in the background, you know, they being a family (*´ω`*)

I still have problems with the anatomy of my chibis, but well, I’ll fix that in the future

I was playing yo-kai watch 3 and I fell in love with Mee2 / Mifu, the youkai form of Katie (Fumi-chan)❤️, so I decided to make some quick drawings (sketches) to practice and know her design and make an illustration of her later, I have seen that many people make these “Sketch page” and I wanted to try it, I will upload more of them in the future ;)
