#katsuko tag



A Mitsunari Night’s Dream
Chapter 11: The Kitty Equivalence

Mitsunari’s strategy for affection confuses Okatsu, while Shohime’s scheme to avoid marrying the daimyo has a few bugs in it.

Chapter Excerpt:

From the Military Notes of Ishida Mitsunari…

Decision-making occurs in a recurring cycle of observe-orient-decide-act. An entity (whether an individual or an organization) that can process this cycle quickly, observing and reacting to unfolding events more rapidly than an opponent, can thereby “get inside” the opponent’s decision cycle and gain the advantage.

Personal Comments: When Kitty first appeared in the gardens of Azuchi, she wanted nothing to do with me. I set out food out for her every day, until finally she allowed me close enough to touch her. I discovered that if I brought a temari ball or a bit of string out to the garden, she would enthusiastically jump at the string and chase after the ball (side comment: was unsuccessful in teaching her to return ball).

Eventually Kitty followed me inside and slept in my bed. Conclusion? Food + Play = Affection.

Might not this calculation be similar in a human female?


Okatsu eats.


Okatsu likes games.

Feeding and playing with Okatsu, should result in affection.


I slept better than expected after my nightmare and only woke up at the sound of a rattle of dishes. In the light of day, my fears always seemed ridiculous and in my residual embarrassment, I considered pretending to be asleep, but the noise got closer. Cautiously, I peeped through half closed eyes to see Mitsunari setting a tray of food on the floor between the cushions.

“Breakfast in bed?” I asked before I could censor the modern out of my speech.

“Oh? Do you want me to put the tray on your futon?” Mitsunari picked up tray again, and I stopped him to prevent breakfastonbed.

“Thank you, but no. It was just an expression.” I scooted to the edge of the futon and examined the tray… and… Wow… that was a lot of fish. “Thank you for bringing it into the room.”

Since today’s agenda had Mitsunari meeting with Hideyoshi and Nobunaga in the archives room, I’d expected to have to hunt down the kitchens for a tray. It was sweet of Mitsunari to feed me before he left.

Ah, hot… tea? Huh. Nothing was coming out of the pot. I peeked under the lid – it was packed tightly with the tea leaves. Right. Masamune had warned me about Mitsunari’s tea making skills (or, lack of said skills). “It just needs to steep a bit longer.” I’d get rid of it after he left.

Mitsunari hovered anxiously over me.  “Is it to your liking? If you want anything else, like a bowl of milk, I can get it.”

Entire chapter here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/37708576/chapters/97206195

