#katya writes





Izuku watches the snow drifts down from the window of his apartment. The weather is supposed to be clear today, but judging from the amount of snow that’s blanketing the city, Izuku is pretty sure they’re not going anywhere. At least not today.

Shouto’s phone has been playing his classical collection on their speaker, and the man himself is fast asleep on their couch, bundled in two layers of blankets up to his nose. Shouto’s body temperature is somehow always low, and he likes bundling himself up in sweaters, jackets, or blankets, especially when cold weather hits its peak. Izuku always finds his jackets or sweaters missing from his closet, but it’s almost always guaranteed that Shouto has them in his possession. Izuku doesn’t mind. Shouto wearing them only make his clothes smell like his boyfriend—like a mix of citrus, pine, and home.

There’s a certain kind of happiness that comes with being with the man you love. He lets his gaze rests on Shouto. The man he’s been calling his for three years now, but Izuku still can’t believe his luck. Who knew that a chance meeting on the train during a cold winter morning three years ago could lead Izuku to the best years in his life?

All thanks to this man with snow and crimson flower for hair, and the storm and the sea in his eyes.

Shouto stirs, his eyes blinking open sleepily. His hair is a tangle of white and red, adorably messy. Affection curls and grips his heart. Oh, he loves this man so damn much.

“Good afternoon, Shouto,” Izuku teases, ruffling his hair. Shouto swats at his hand weakly.

“It’s barely eleven,” his boyfriend grumbles, but a soft smile graces his lips. Izuku bends down to taste them, meeting Shouto halfway.

“Do you want lunch now?”

Shouto nods. “Yes, please.” He raises both hands. Chuckling, Izuku lifts him into his arms like an oversized koala. Shouto nuzzles into the crook of his neck, kissing the skin hotly.

“I love you, ‘Zuku.” Shouto’s mumble is just loud enough for Izuku to hear, and Izuku kisses the top of his head in response.

“I love you too, Shouto.”


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wah I forgot to reblog this lololol

Idea comes one morning when it was snowing and I was bundled up in my couch and my brother had to drag me up like a koala


“It has always been Izuku for him.”

Here’s my second piece for @tododekubigbang!!

This one is an illustration for Nina’s beautiful fic, “The Melodies We Can’t Forget”

My words can’t describe how amazing and well written her fic was, just go give it a read!!!

I wrote the fic for this amazing art Will post it on a different post lol but mostly I’m just in awe by Lili’s art.

Read my fic here.

Hello, I am back!

The past few months were hellish. There was a bunch of family drama happening at the same time, I got sick, I fell into the rabbit hole that is BTS. But last weekend, I managed to write the latest chapter of my Youtube AU fic, and I couldn’t be more relieved. I am hoping I can write more now that I got my shit together.

I can’t say I’d be active on tumblr, but I would be on my Twitter. It is almost exclusively a BTS stan account by now but don’t hesitate to say hi ❤

And here’s the update. I hope you enjoy. We only have another 2 chapters to go

Also guess what. I am getting into Kimetsu No Yaiba lately haha another rabbit hole…

awkwardmomfriend: wouldyoubesokindkiddo:I fucking love this fanfic I’m sorry Aurigardyn, whenwor



I fucking love this fanfic I’m sorry 

Aurigardyn,whenwordsflyoffthepage on ao3

@aurigardyn@whenwordsflyoffthepage look another fan :D

also if anyone has nOT read this fic here’s the link to the fic!
andhere is the link to the twitter au the fic is based off of!

aww ❤ I always get flustered when people publicly declare they love a fic I wrote ahsjsksls thank you for the love ❤❤

Post link