#keeley hawes


“Bodyguard” fanvid about David and Julia. Great series - watch it if you haven’t! (but take into account that this is actually a drama/thriller)

Yep…that’ll do nicely

Mr and Mrs Macfadyen Couple Goals

Can’t wait for Finding Alice!

Also…hair goals!

My nerves can’t take this much longer! I will say it again. What the diddlyfuck is going on?

What an eye roll

Day 4

Keeley smiling - with the added bonus of Richard Madden

Day 3

Favourite Scene - when they both realise it’s possibly more than friendship (in my opinion anyway)

Day 2

Favourite Outfit - the classic hoops/white trainer combo

Day 1

Favourite Picture

I think about this tweet a lot!

What the diddlyfuck does it mean?

Please enlighten us ITV?


David’s jawline…Julia’s smirk

The smirk that changes everything

“I need a stapler”

The joy of being given a stapler when you need one

I should have been working. I also messed up her lips so cropped them
