#keep it coming



Whoooeeeee getting RIGHT through this. The next chapter is not the last one, but it is the last one I have a draft for, so there’ll be a bit of hiatus after that. In the meantime, enjoy!

This weird mash-up of Gravity Falls AUs is due to the imaginations of *ahem* myself, but also: @hntrgurl13, for her wonderful OC Adeline Marks, the Dimension Jumper AU, and the Drifting Dimensions AU; @the-subpar-ghost for the incredible Adrift AU; and @scipunk63 for the (eventual) Addiford ship which sucked me in like quicksand.

@deadpool-demon-divaand@thejesterlyfictionista, you know what an update means. It means you READ IT. Please.


Chapter 5: The Gnomes Were Less Scary

Keep reading

fy-sehunoh:220605 | Sehun received 2 support trucks on the set of ‘Everything that we loved’ today! fy-sehunoh:220605 | Sehun received 2 support trucks on the set of ‘Everything that we loved’ today! fy-sehunoh:220605 | Sehun received 2 support trucks on the set of ‘Everything that we loved’ today! 


220605 | Sehun received 2 support trucks on the set of ‘Everything that we loved’ today!  ✨

“@oohsehun i’ll eat well ✨”

“Thanks to Go Yoo‼️‼️”


“From Seokie hyung who loves Sehunnie ✨”

“I sincerely wish tving’s ‘Everything that we loved’ a great success!

cr: to the owners

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