#keith beeing a bit dumb


Ingredients: Keith Kogane x GN! Reader

Contains: Angst to fluff, violence, nightmares (death, blood), hurt\comfort, season 2 episode 6 some quotes,

Words: about 3k

A\n: It’s currently 1 a.m so Yeah. I hope I got the names right. So this is my first time writing for Keith and Voltron in general. (I couldn’t find the read on thing, so it’s pretty long)

Update: It’s proofread now


“We still don’t know how Zarkon tracked us down. This might cause  problems in the future.” You admitted, the whole crew agreed and slowly everyone started thinking. “He is clearly tracking us through me.”  stated Allura. “Oh no, come on that can’t be.” sighed Lance in disbelief. “That can’t be possible.” agreed Pidge. “Why is that so hard to believe? Zarkonˋs forces only showed up when I awoke.” Allura explained with a hurt expression. “She’s got a point.” Lance started serious, until he began to flirt again. “I would totally track you down through the entire universe.” He winked at her and made some cringe locking finger guns, while his white teeth sparkled in the light of the spaceship. 

“It’s not you, Allura. It’s me.” Keith reported from the corner. A cold shiver ran down your spine. That couldn’t be. “No that can’t be. How ? We always traveled together, never ever something happened.” you were shocked. “Yeah, because we haven’t had Voltron in those times.” he argued. A sigh escaped your lips. “And why you?” Hunk asked, confused. Everyone was confused. “I just think because Zarkon was imprinted on us during our fight or something…” he looked away from us and you could tell he wasn’t even sure either. “You can’t prove that. He is not behind you. I guess he tracked down the black lion or some other lion. He was the paladin of the black lion, wasn’t he? He might still have the connection of the lion in his heart.” you reported your assumption. “That’s also impossible, the connection gets lost when the distance is too far.” Coran ruined your statement. “So what are we gonna do now?” asked Hunk. “It’s not important how Zarkon is tracking us. Because we take the fight off the Golra soon enough. They have been chasing us from galaxy to galaxy. We just need to be chasing after them.” concluded Shiro. “The hunter becomes the hunted. Wow what a plot twist.” said Lanc excitedly. “That’s one of my favorite movie tropes.” 

In the meantime Pidge did some research on their terminal. You leaned over their shoulder to understand what they’re thinking. “As it happenes, I took our list from all the recent Golra attacks and analyzed it. From both commonalities and anomalies among the attack sites. I was hoping to create an algorithm that would, within a statistically acceptable margin of error, provide a list of target-rich Galra  environments color-coded, of course, because what are we, animals?” explained Pidge, unsuccessful. Everyone had literally no clue what they were talking about. The confusion was clearly visible, and the little wheels inside your heads were trying to comprehend what Pidge just said. The map of the universe got projected in the whole command center. “Cool.” marveled Lance. “What is it again?” “It’s a Galra finder?” Hunk half answered, half asked. “Well “finder” suggests that it locates the Galra, whereas it could be more accurate to say that my model predicts their likeliest…” No one understood Pidge wording and we just stared at them. “Fine. It’s a Galra finder.” they agreed. “So where are the Galra?” asked Lance.

After the team discussion everyone went to bed. “Ahh what a day.” you sighed as you sat down next to Keith. “Yes.” he half-heartedly admitted. “You don’t need to worry about being tracked anymore. We will soon find out. I still believe it’s because of the black lion. Just stay calm and nothing severe will happen, we will fight him off like we always did.” you tried to encourage him, but it didn’t work. You could tell by his distant expression. “Yeah, maybe that’s how it is. We will see.” he kissed your forehead and put out the light. “I love you Keith.” you mumbled before you drifted off to sleep. He responded but you couldn’t hear him anymore. It took a while for Keith to sleep. His mind was racing with unanswerable questions. When it’s really me, is he going to attack Y/N? What will happen? Will they hate me? I should have thrown away this weapon! After these questions his physical exhaustion got the better of him and dragged him into a restless sleep. 

Sweat was running down his face while his feet ran faster. They killed all of them but not his beloved, not yet. He can find them. He must find them. It was his fault, because of him they tracked Voltron. “Ah. Who do we have here? The paladin of the red lion. What a wonderful coincidence.” cheered one of those Galra beasts. “Guys! We got him.” yelled the Galra and began to attack Keith. The weapons clashed against each other and the metallic sound bounced through the dark hallway. “Where do you keep them?” “What do you mean? Oh, the lover of yours.” a laugh escaped the ugly lilac Galra. “Well they will probably die soon, do you want to see them one last time?” asked the enemy mockingly. Keith bared his teeth. He was so angry, it was consuming him. “You won’t kill them.” yelled Keith and with one slick flip of his wrist he disarmed his opponent. “You little piece of shit.” growled the Galra and stumbled backwards. With another flick of Keith’s sword he halved the Galran. His blood splashed against the walls of the hallway. He didn’t care for this miserable person’s life, he just wanted to find you. 

At the end of the hallway he heard muffled screams. “Shut it, your lovely knight in shining armor won’t be here in time, so get ready for your execution.” laughed Zarkon spitefully. “Let them go.” yelled Keith as he ran around the corner. Blood was still dripping from his sword. Your eyes sparkled with fear and hope. Quietly you tried to tell him that he should leave. But he didn’t. “Take me, but set them free.” he wanted to negotiate, but Zarkon just laughed.  “Oh we will, loverboy, we will. But first we will need to thank you for your small mistake. It would have been better if you just threw away the weapon, but hey everyone makes mistakes. It’s nice that you got us to Voltron and to take down your whole crew. It was a pleasure to work with you, but it has to end now. Guards tie him up.” Keith would’ve loved to cut Zarkon’s spiteful grin off his face. 

“Now do you want to tell your lover how you betrayed them when you keep this weapon. I guess they would like to know before they get killed.” One of the Guards said. The look in your eyes burned a hole inside his heart. They were full of sorrow and betrayal. “You are  the reason everyone is dead. You are the reason why everyone in this universe will be enslaved or killed. I hate you and I hope you will suffer your whole life.” you screamed at him. He wanted to scream back at you, how it wasn’t his fault, but to his dismay he knew it was in fact his fault. He is the reason everyone is dead and he is the reason for your death. He failed his promise to protect you. “I am so sorry, I will always love you.” “Tch, spare your words. I doubt that you loved me, because if you really did we would never be in this situation.” you argued back. In the meantime the Galran watched the show with glee. “How sweet. Now we can kill them off.” proposed Zarkon and drew his blade. “Rest in peace little paladin. I hope you end up somewhere as awful as here. Bye.” With those words Zarkon cut off your head. 

“No.” screamed Keith as tears ran down his cheeks. You were fully awake and looked at him with worry. Without any hesitation Keith pulled you in his arms, which occasionally happens. “You are alive.” He sighed and pulled you even closer. “Of course I am silly. I won’t leave you, did you forget this? It was just a nightmare.” you soothingly say as you rub your arms calmingly down his spine. “You are safe, I am safe, everyone on the ship is safe. It was just a nightmare, it has nothing to do with reality.” you comforted him. His heart rate calmed down. “Thank you, love.” “That’s what I am here for.” Both of you feel into a cozy type of silence until you feel asleep again, but Keith does not. He was still pondering about this dream. He had to protect you at all costs. 

You awoke to your alarm clock, calling you for duty. Keith was somehow already awake, which was quite common, but he usually left a little note to say good morning. Maybe he forgot? You got dressed in your lilac paladin uniform. On the deck you got greeted by Coran, but without the princess. “Where is the princess?” you asked him. “I don’t know. She must have felt a need for beauty sleep, for once. Not that I am saying that she’s ugly. I just think she is finally taking care of her sleeping schedule.” Coran panicked a bit when the false words left his mouth. “Yeah maybe.” That was suspicious, she would never put herself before the mission. She was way to ambitious to let her take care of herself, which is a bit dumb. “Morning.” greeted the other paladins. “Good morning. Have you seen Keith, he must have went to train earlier this morning?” Everyone shook their heads. “When I went to the training room this morning he wasn’t there.” explained Shiro. “Mhm, ok, maybe he will join us later. We really need to travel to Taujeer” relented Hunk. “Yeah you’re right. Let’s head there.” agreed Pidge and he sat down at their menual. Everyone followed his example and we started to fly towards Taujeer. Still the weird feeling in your stomach didn’t vanish. Keith and the princess were workaholics, they wouldn’t miss this. 

After you traveled half of the route to the planet, Keith and Allura hadn’t shown up. You grew slowly accustomed with the idea that they both left the ship. God knows why. It was distracting you and everyone noticed it, even Hunk. “Y/n you need to focus. I know you’re worried about Keith, we all are, but please focus.” demanded Shiro. “Sorry, I will.” you apologised. “Oh I see now, one of the ponds seemed to leave in the early morning hours. Both of them must have left with it.” admitted Coran. “Wait. Keith and Allura? In the early morning hours? With only one ship? Jeez, are they fuckbuddies or what?” said Lance out loud and a pang echoed in your heart. “Lance, how could you say such a tactless thing?” admonished Pidge. Tears wanted to escape your eyes. Maybe he planned this all along, that’s why he left. He probably never loved you. “I am sorry, I can’t do this.” you mumbled and left the room. 

You were together for almost over four years, and befriended for almost twelve years, but maybe the paladin life changed him. Every fiber of your being was angry and disappointed. How could he leave you for some girl he just met some months ago? With a fast movement you hit a wall. That was counterproductive because now your hand hurt, but at least the pain in your heart stopped for a moment, so you hit the wall again and again. Until you broke down. How could he leave you?  

You didn’t know how long you sat in the cold hallway and pitied yourself.  “Y/N we need you, we reached Taujeer.” communicated Coran through the castle.  “Alright I am coming.” you said, trying to sound strong. As you entered the command center everyone locked at you with pity in their eyes. They all know how close you are, were, with Keith. You were more than lovers, you were soulmates. “Your eyes are pretty red. Are you all right?” asked Hunk. “Yeah of course I am fine. My boyfriend just left with some random girl, because god only knows why. So yeah I am fine and not angry or jealous or hurt, naahhh.” You answered sarcastically. Hunk gulped and mumbled an apology, but to be honest you didn’t care. You need to succeed in this mission without being able to form Voltron. “To the lions, guys.” commanded Shiro and with that the mission began. 

Everything went well until the Galra ship came back. “Hunk, you need to protect the ark and its people. Keep them away from the acid.” commanded Shiro. “Yeah. I protect them while falling into the acid.” He sarcastically sayed, but still followed Shiro’s command. The ship of the Galran started shooting. You tried to dodge the attacks, but the lasers were just too fast and your lion too slow. You tried to counter their attack, but you failed. “We need to form Voltron,” said Lance panicky. “We can’t. Without the red lion it’s impossible. Our bond is not completed.” You explain to him. “They are right, we need Keith for this.” 

In the meantime Keith and the princess were floating through space to get as far away as possible. “Maybe it was wrong. Zarkos would have already attacked us, besides just leaving them was wrong. We should have told them.” worried Allura. “When you have second thoughts, you can leave.”  admitted Keith. “Why did you even leave?” she asked, confused. “I needed to protect Y/N. If I am the one who gets tracked then it’s better when I am not with them. I don’t want to be the reason why they get killed by Zarkon.” Keith admitted. “Wow, you really love them.” marveled Allura. “Yeah, without them I don’t know where and who I would be. I love them more than there are stars in the universe.” admitted Keith. “Wow, you’re pretty cheesy.” “Shut it, or I am going to drop you into space.” he dared, as his cheeks turned into a faint shade of pink.  The awkward silence got broken by a call from the castle. “Keith, Allura?” asked Coran, as if he wasn’t sure if he really reached them. “Yes, we can hear you.” reported Keith. “We need you back here, the Galra are attacking us and they are stronger than we expected. The paladins can’t fight them off. We need the red lion to form Voltron.” There was a short break and a loud crack could be heard. “Shit, Y/N got hit pretty bad. I will activate the shield now.” 

Keith froze up, his entire body was filled with dread. Y/n got probably hurt. “We are on our way.” He said immediately and Allura noticed the worry in his eyes. He really adored you. “Hopefully Pidge’s power drive will work.” he mumbled and pressed the button. The ship made a fast move, but shortly after, it exploded.

“Keith? Allura? Hello?” Coran screamed into the microphone. “I lost the connection.” told Coran. “How? The connection was stable, wasn’t it?” you asked exhausted. “They used Pidge’s power drive.” “Oh when they died because of you’re stupid invention. I will kill you Pidge.” you threatened. “They can’t die, the ship has ejection seats. The ship will get them out before it explodes.” explains Pidge calmly. “I hope so.” you grumbled as you tried to dodge another laser shot. “Damn, I hate these Galra.” Lance mumbled and tried to shoot the ship again. “I can’t hold the ark any longer.” breathed Hunk. “I will help you. Shiro, Lance and Coran, you need to take care of the Galra ship.” You were in no position to command something, but you couldn’t lose another paladin. “Alright, we are going to kick their asses.” Lance said and launched for another shot.   

“Allura grab my hand.” yelled Keith as they both floated through space. With multiple attempts Allura finally was able to hold onto Keith. “Well, what now? We lost contact with the castle.” Allura asked, but Keith didn’t listen. “We are going to help them.” he said and tried to activate his jetpack at full speed. “Are you sure we need to travel this way?” “Yes.” Keith’s demeanor was now cold and focused.  He wanted to protect you, but he still failed. His worries and insecurities got the better of him and he left. Keith, look, isn’t that the red lion?” asked Allura and in fact the red lion came closer to them. It roared and opened its mouth. “Wow, thanks kitty.” Keith said surprised and both of them entered the big metal lion. “We need to reach them fast. I am going to search for the coordinates of the castle.” He typed something into the control system and the lion flew in the direction of the castle in highspeed. “We need to go faster, Purple is in danger.” These words encourage red to fly even faster. Even his lion was in love with your lion. What a coincidence. 

After a short and fast fly the lion finally reached the castle. “I am gonna drop you by the castle and then help the others.” suggested Keith. “Alright.” As he said he dropped her off and Coran took her into the space castle. “Hello guys, I came to rescue.” Keith communicated. “Keith, I am going to kick your ass after we saved these people.” “Guys, you can have your couple fight later, we need to form Voltron now.” 

The fight was over and the people of Taujeer were safe. “Why did you leave me?” You yelled, and punched his chest. He tried to stop you, but you still went on. “I thought I lost you when your ship exploded.” Now tears of anger ran down your face. He pulled you into a hug. “I am sorry. I was worried that they would hurt you when they tracked us, so I left. Now I know better.” Keith explained. “I am just glad you’re back and safe.” you mumbled. “I am happy that you didn’t get hurt. I will give it my best to protect you.” 
