#keith mini bang

 Shiro draws back, grins, looks down at Keith as if he wants to devour him– which is ironic given th

Shiro draws back, grins, looks down at Keith as if he wants to devour him– which is ironic given the circumstances– and tips Keith’s head up for a kiss.

For the @keithminibang!! 

Please go give this amazing fic a read here! It’s by @lostemotion  ❤ ❤

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@keithminibang | A Year Without Rain by @belovedsheith | AO3 Keith leads them into the desert along

@keithminibang | A Year Without Rain by @belovedsheith|AO3

Keith leads them into the desert along a narrow footpath. His head is bowed, and he’s scuffing his feet; little puffs of dust kick up with every step he takes. Every angle of his body suggests a force field—any touch would receive an explosive rebuff. With Keith, there’s a bittersweet irony: Shiro often feels at a loss with him, yet never lost; somehow, in the months leading up til now, Keith has become his touchstone, his Polaris. In Keith, Shiro finds both truth and home.

Up ahead, there’s a mass of rock jutting out of the earth, and Keith picks up his pace to reach it…

I really enjoyed this sweet fic, teared up actually cause I really appreciate Mei’s writing of Keith and how relatable he was in his own way. Please check it out.


Available for download on GumRoad

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