#keith through the seasons



@cherry-luxite requested a reference page for Keith! This is also serving as a thank you for 2000 followers! I really appreciate all the support

Not much to say this time around but making the glow effect on the blades stuff was pretty satisfying. And I know that hypothetically baby Keith probably had shoes on but since there’s no clear image of them, I kept him in socks to up the sad orphan energy lol.

click/tap for higher quality

*parts of this design were unable to be confirmed in canon

Because of just how many references were used to create this, here’s a collage of most of the ones I used. They can be found on the blog on their own and episodes are listed for the more obscure outfits that aren’t included here. The official reference image was also used for proportions and posing:


Birthday post part four, featuring Keith gifs.

This gifset is so cool!! Always wanted to see one like this!


Happy birthday to Keith Kogane, the Red Paladin, Blade of Marmora member, Black Paladin, and Blade of Marmora Leader!


It’s Keithtober! So, here, have a Keith appreciation post! ❤️
