#keiyoomi rambles


blah. blah. blah.

not hq!! content. just me sharing my thoughts about my cursecourse.

i’m not sure if i’ve mentioned it before, but i am currently taking up bs astronomy (hellbent on completing my bachelor’s degree in astronomy, major in meteorology).

i have two reasons for taking it up: one, i really love learning more about anything that’s related to science; two, i wanted to write a semi-realistic cataclysmic scenario that’s mainly about extreme weather conditions.

okay. make it three. the third reason is that i no longer want to study business. it was no longer that interesting for me.

anyway, i really thought that astronomy would free me from writing lots of unwanted essays and what-not. sure enough, my professors rarely gave us such tasks…

i mean…

they prefer assigning tasks like writing term papers, proposals for a ‘slightly’ realistic space missions, experiments, blahblahblah.

doing the maths are fun. writing non-fiction/academic stuffs are not.

but i chose this path myself. gotta suck it up.

i can’t wait for my classes to end.

wanna take a month long break from school. for my sanity. not that i’m sane most of the time.

ah. right. i have several major projects to submit in the next few days but i haven’t worked on any of it. yet.

timeskip hinata.

skskskskskksksk why does it look like atsumu’s looking at his twin’s direction who’s explaining something to the… idk, the blog’s visitor? slsksksksksksksk

i’m finally free from my assignments. i gotta start working on tsukishima’s fic, and kita’s fic tomorrow. so that i could finally start planning for yamaguchi and sakusa’s fic. (yes, ate @weyheyjxlya. THOSE FICS.)

this is probably my last post for today. i’d really need to catch some sleep.


tw (?): food (pork, to be exact.)

here’s the thing, i really love fatty pork when cooking adobo. the entire dish tastes different with the pork’s fat. i’ve tried using chicken before, but it wasn’t as satisfying as the pork adobo.

the rewritten version of “ang iwasan” doesn’t fit the ‘fit most readers’ thing like most of my works here. it has an oc!reader, of sort. i’ll post it on my other blog and reblog it here. that other blog will feature oc!reader x haikyuu!! characters stories that i really hope you’d like. 

i was writing something last night using this app where i can’t select all words at the same time.

I received several requests and um… They’re all in the drafts. Hehe. Hehe…
