



In omniverse, instead of Hex, it should’ve been charmcaster who became a professor.

Because we’ve seen charmcaster for a few episodes in UAF and she has changed a bit. She’s no longer as evil as she was and is not obssesed with killing Gwen.

Also the last we saw her she was ruling Ledgerdomain and she mentioned she was bored of the place.

So the story could’ve been that she came to earth when Freidkin opened their major for magic to see what it was all about.

She looked at the syllabus and scoffed saying it was stupid and she could put together a better lesson plan.

And hence she was recruited as faculty and became one of the teachers.

It’s not too out there, atleast from my point of veiw. It keeps her busy and she enjoys teaching magic. She also enjoys messing with Gwen from time to time.

Alsoooo, I’ve headcanoned that this is how Kencaster is born. Ken comes to visit Gwen one day and bumps into charmcaster.

They both don’t know who the other is but end up going for for coffee and in turn start dating.
