
We have a big announcement today! Our new sister site KetubahByOren.com is up! We will post some sam

We have a big announcement today! Our new sister site KetubahByOren.com is up! We will post some samples on this instagram feed next week. Ketubah by Oren was created to provide museum quality printed ketubot for couples who are looking something different than the paper-cut style. Shabbat Shalom and a Happy Purim to all!
#Ketubah #ketubahart #ketubot #papercutsbyoren #ketubahbyoren

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Many thanks to Rachel and Jay for sharing a photo of their #ketubah signing! - - - #ketubahsigning #

Many thanks to Rachel and Jay for sharing a photo of their #ketubah signing!
#ketubahsigning #papercutketubah #jewishwedding #ketubahart #papercutsbyoren

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