#khafre enthroned

Khafre Enthroned, Giza, Egypt. 2520 - 2494 BCE. Old Kingdom.  measures 5’ 6" made of dior

Khafre Enthroned, Giza, Egypt. 2520 - 2494 BCE. Old Kingdom. 

  • measures 5’ 6"
  • made of diorite, a very hard stone. the stone was permanent, and the egyptians wanted this image to be around forever. the stone was not native to this part of egypt; it was imported from over 400 miles away. trying to make a comparison of the stone to emulate the qualities of the stone in the figure. 
  • nearly all rulers depicted in three dimensional sculpture. if the body was destroyed, the ka could reside in the statue. 
  • majority of similar statues depict pharaoh standing. 
  • wearing rigid kilt and head dress.
  • throne contains stylized papyrus and lion and the foot of the pharaoh. 
  • horus is sitting behind him, extending his wings in protection. 
  • ideal body, very youthful. probably not realistic; wanted to portray a particular image of youth. we want our leaders to be attractive, young, and fit. more about an image than true likeness.
  • very rigid and state pose, unshakable, steadfast. representative of the egyptian royal canon. the egyptians value tradition over innovation. western culture thrives on innovation and progress bout egyptians wanted to preserve the same. this is the quality egyptians wanted in rules. 

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