


A while ago, a small poll re: the direction of this year’s birthday specials was posted, and the follow-up to that has finally come !

For those new here, those that missed it, or just as a general reminder: RO POVs were the winners of that poll

Khiita’s birthday is up first on June 23rd and over the next ~week, submissions of what her POV special will be are open; ideas can be either sent to my inbox, replied with on this post, or left as its own comment / choice on this poll here; two examples are already there / listed below, which can also be voted for, but please leave your own suggestions too !

*Her interlude scene between Chapters 2 and 3

*MC fixing her necklace in Chapter 3, Astium origin

Submitted ideas can be from scenes within the game (like the two examples), can be from old snippetsorprompts(links to them all found here), or can even be something implied by the demo, like her prior interactions with Celese, her preparations leaving home, her thoughts on meeting Flor, etc ! As long as it’s Khiita-centric, it’s fair game

The one(s) chosen will be kept secret until her birthday to leavesome things as a surprise, and submissions will only be open from June 1stuntilJune 10th!

Last year’s special can be played here
