#kiba inuzuka x reader


[Kiba Inuzuka X Reader] Pretty

|2022 Flubruary Event|

Week 3: Falling in Love|Day 16: Kiba tucks you to bed with you unconscious in his arms.

Pairing: KIba Inuzuka x fem!Reader

Note: Kiba’s first entry for the event!

“You’reverydrunk,” Kiba stated as-a-matter-of-factly as he dragged you through the empty streets.

“You’re pretty,” you mumbled, smiling ever so brightly back at him, poking him in the arm, “pretty.”

The both of you went out for a reunion party with other Shinobi, and you got too excited, downing a whole bottle of sake on your own. Kiba could only watch with helpless eyes when you slammed the table and demanded another bottle while laughing amusingly at everyone. Without uttering another word, he stood up and scooped you in his arms easily, making his way back to your shared house. The rest of your friends chuckled at the sight of you bickering in his embrace, they look adorable.

“Pretty Kiba,” you hiccupped and decided to squat down on the sidewalk, “I’m too tired to walk.”

He sat down with you, gazing at your flushed face with a funny expression. “You told me you didn’t want me to carry you earlier.”

“Yeah, but can we go home after a five-minute-rest?” You puckered your lips, “My legs are sore.”

He patted his shoulder, and you took it as a cue to lean in, resting your head comfortably as he stroked your hair, whispering quietly, “Why did you have so many drinks when you know that you can’t handle literally half of the amount? I thought you would stop drinking after that fifth one, but when I returned you already finished a bottle. You’re…insane.”

You nuzzled your nose into his neck, and he chuckled.

“You promised that we would watch a movie before bed tonight, but it seems like that’s not happening.” Kiba continued the conversation—one that soon turned into a monologue. When your breathing evened and your head became heavier, he blinked, hoping that you were not asleep. “I booked a restaurant for us tomorrow—Y/N?”

You replied to him with quiet snores, and Kiba did not know if he should even laugh or cry. “Really.”

The Inuzuka heaved a sigh and lifted your motionless body in his arms, carefully carrying you back home. When he tucked you under the blanket after changing you into some comfy pajamas, he leaned down and placed a kiss on your forehead endearingly, “Goodnight, pretty one.”



[Kiba Inuzuka X Reader] Your Future and Mine

|2022 Flubruary Event|

Week 4: True Love|Day 28: The two of you building your future together.

Pairing: Kiba Inuzuka x gn!Reader

Note: I’m back after a very long period of hibernation :’)) I was so caught up with everything that I couldn’t get into the flow to write something decent LOL. Believe me, I sat down and tried to squeeze something out but it never came. But I suddenly got into the mood yesterday, so here we go! As this is the last entry for Fluburary (yes, it’s March and I’m doing Flubruary), thank you so much for your ongoing support <33 On this lovey-dovey note, I have a gift for y'all, check out this 5 Love Languages Quiz, find your main one and reply here!

I will get back to the First Snow series and my 500 Followers Requests, it’s been a long time and I’m still not done LOL! Stay tuned!

You stared at your reflection in the mirror, still astounded by how the ring looked around your finger. Today was your big day.

Your mind flew back to the time you first met Kiba, on a mission that took you, a Ninja from Amegakure, to come all the way to Konoha to hunt down a group of Missing-nins on their escape. You went alone, having to divide up with the rest of your team to trail after their traces. It was your first time stepping into the Land of Fire, marching right into his team when they returned from a mission. Hinata offered to help you out as she saw how battered you were and the cluelessness in your eyes. The Quiet Man—your nickname for Shino at that time—did not defer, not after the other teammate, which was Kiba, happily urged his huge dog to follow their scent. It was the first time you were met with such warmth.

While you were still deep in your thought, two hands came onto your shoulders, gently massaging the knots of your muscles that formed from sitting up for too long. You did not need to open your eyes to know that it was Kiba. His hands were warm, his presence was warm.

“Did every leave?”

He hummed a tired yes and snuggled his face into the crook of your neck. “I chased them away.”

“Why would you chase our guests away?”

“Couldn’t wait,” he mumbled sheepishly, “to be with you.”

To be honest, the moment Kiba accidentally sniffed your perfume when he leaned close to your face, planting a kiss on your lips as a token of your vows earlier, his eyes were trained on you for the entire evening. And when Kiba had his attention on something or someone, his body and soul would set sail to his destination. He was like that since the moment he met you in the forest, with those bright eyes of yours, how you shone despite the bruises on your body—how you made his heart beat for two. But Kiba swore tonight was different, maybe it was because of the nod of your head and the smile on your lips when he slid the ring onto your finger. He did not know, but right now, all he wanted to do and ever wanted to do was remember feeling you in his arms. After all the obstacles that the two of you have been through, he feared losing you. He was afraid one morning he would wake up to find your side of the bed empty. However, the ring that you slid onto his finger, as magical and childish as it may sound, was connected to your ring with an invisible string that no one could fathom. Kiba knew, everywhere he would go, the string of love would always lead him back to you.

“I still can’t believe it’s been five years,” you sighed out, placing your hand on top of his.

“We’ve been through ups and downs within those five years.” Kiba suddenly lifted you up in his arms in the bridal style and carried you out to the balcony, where you could see the twinkling stars in the sky. “And I’m sure the rest of my years will be with you.”

You laughed at his words, calling them cliché but were genuinely content you found him this life. Kiba put you down and turned to the boundless space ahead, announcing to the sky, the stars, the earth—the world—that you were his everything—his past, his present, his future, and beyond.


