#kid lit graphic novels

Today is Indie Bookstore Day and what better day to go to some lovely shop and grab my book (and pil

Today is Indie Bookstore Day and what better day to go to some lovely shop and grab my book (and pile of other great ones!)

In Portland, OR I’d recommend Books With PicturesGreen Bean Books and of course Powell’s Books but please peek into your fave local place!  (Thanks to my bro @alkcomics for the photo!)

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SPECIAL ALERT! This is a very special break from fan content for a very special announcement about my personal life!


I sold a book! It’ll be out in about two years- it actually went on submission around The Confession ™ so the SPN fandom has actually done wonders for keeping me sane during the submission, buying, and negotiations process. So in two years I’ll have a book! It’s a dark fantasy story that’s, in a nutshell, Black Swan for tweens. It’s Love Never Dies meets Black Butler. 


As I’m still very early in the process of actually making the book, this will probably be the last update you hear on this original work front for a bit. Now, back to your regularly scheduled fanposting.

CONGRATS CAITLIN (get hype for this book!)
