


notes: dear tsu, i’m sorry i couldn’t get my fingers to run with any of your wonderful au prompts, but you did mention futurefic – so i hope you enjoy this glimpse at kuraryou post-high school ;;; happy kuraryou day!

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He can’t count the number of times they’ve found themselves here, the last few weeks as winter comes to a close, lolling on the embankment, shivering in the crisp air. This’ll be one of the last, he guesses. There’s a faint sting to that, even though he knows it’s not really the end. That something like what they’ve got doesn’t just fade away.

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To: Mer @kikumerio From: Meli @meliskimo on Twitter! Notes: I AM SORRY I AM NOT AN AUTHOR BECAUSE I

To: Mer @kikumerio

From: Meli @meliskimo on Twitter!

Notes: I AM SORRY I AM NOT AN AUTHOR BECAUSE I REALLY LIKED THE IDEA OF A BAND AU. Battle of the bands, Kuramochi seeing Ryousuke in a rival band and getting SMITTEN. The pining!! Kuramochi would totally write a song about him, let’s be real. I’m thinking in Ryousuke’s band, Jun plays drums. ;) Really likes to smash the cymbals. Anyhoo, I like to think this is Ryousuke finally making it clear that he’s interested back. (After much teasing of course.) ANYWAY, I hope you like it!! <3 xoxoxo

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