#kim seungmin fluff



it doesn’t have to be perfect.

  • pairing — idol!seungmin x gn!reader
  • genre — fluff
  • warnings — mentions of food, not proofread
  • words — 1.2k
  • notes — only a few changes happened :’< i’m so drained today, i hope you guys enjoy love lots <33 (i’ll write a better seungmin one shot next time)

the sound of his voice echoes through a quiet vocal room, he was alone, his infamous puppy plush sitting at the top of the synthesizer. a sigh escaped from his lips, leaning on the backrest of his seat trying to figure out the right melody. seungmin has been stressed out during the past few days, unknown of the reason, or maybe he’s just pushing himself to hit the perfect note, yet in the end, it sounds like heaven. an aesthetically pleasing honey-like voice coming from his mouth, it never fails to warm your heart. it goes the same every night as you sit outside the room, just beside the door, to hear him sing and it gets even better when you close your eyes to feel the same emotions. 

seungmin saw you that evening, arms around your knees, back rested against the wall. he thought you fell asleep but your fingers played with the ring you were wearing. 

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