#kind bummed gojo got a girl but lemme stop thotting around



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♘︎ : @desiray562@gabzlovesu@reneeslay@emonaculate


IT WAS THE FIRST PARTY OF THE SCHOOL YEAR. Satoru Gojo was hosting it and you were showing up with your friends; Jade and Wendy. Wendy knew Gojo through their mutual after school activities and by default, got invited which meant you and Jade were too. Gojo’s parties were crazy and always kept under wraps. No location was the same and the way to get in was always different. Now that you thought about it, his whole group of friends were the same when it came to throwing parties, very secretive.

“So y’all cool enough to get invited but not cool enough to get a better entrance in?” Jade complained under her breath as the three of you walked to the party.

It was at a lake house, Wendy had told you, and it happened to be located in the woody part of the area. Jade’s complaints were valid as you were thinking the same thing, but there was no way you’d ever complain about a Gojo party.

Wendy scoffed next to you but didn’t speak in response, probably agreeing that this walk was a little extra.

“You gonna leave with Geto tonight?” Wendy did ask you, just as the three of you say the house up ahead.

Suguru Geto was currently your man of interest and had been for only a month. He was a very popular person on campus like the rest of his friends so, naturally, a lot of people knew about the two of you and your situationship. Wendy and Jade were two of them and they loved pestering you about him.

“Nah. He just had me earlier today before we even came here. I’m taking my ass home with y’all.” You denied, walking up the steps of the lake house, the other two following behind.

You missed the shared look on their faces at your denial. In the month you’d been fucking him, Geto was probably around you for all thirty days. The times varied, but it seemed like you two were always with each other and for whatever reason, you believed he’d let you alone tonight.

Your friends knew that the tattooed man would not take his hands, nor eyes, off of you the minute he found you. Who wouldn’t with how beautifully you were dressed tonight.

The house was jumping with people and music, a thin haze of smoke stayed in the air from all the smoking everyone was doing. You were sure that Nanami was making hella money just off the first two hours, alone.

“If it isn’t my favorite girl.” Gojo’s flirtatious voice took the three girls’ attention.

Wendy moved to hug the white haired male and pressed a kiss to his cheek. “Thanks for the invite Gojo.” Wendy cooed, a manicured hand resting on Gojo’s chest.

Gojo smirked at the short girl and allowed his hand to drift to her hips.

“Anything for you angel.”

Jade pretended to gag at the two sex workers, hunching over for emphasis. You thought it was cute, the two of them dancing around their feelings for one another.

“You really had to bring her?”

Wendy sighed, already beginning to dread the back ‘n forth between the two. “She’s my girl Gojo, you know this. Besides, why would I bring one without the other?”

“Y/n would’ve gotten in regardless, she’s chill and she’s fucking Geto.”

“Alright. That’s my cue to leave.” You interjected, moving to escape another conversation about your active sex life.

You never understood people’s fatuation with you and Geto. Everyone was talking like the two of you were a couple and you hated it. You hated the attention it brought you and you found yourself wondering if it was even worth it.

But you knew better than to think like that after the first time you brought that shit up to Geto.

Keep reading

Not me already scoping out other dudes, Damm I’m really for the whole team. As soon as you mentioned Gojo bitchass, my darling Yuji, SUKUNA, and Mr.Toji I got all excited. Perhaps I am for the streets???

It’s amazing so far though, nice to see the male chasing Yn this time instead of her being all upset he doesn’t love her. Stay on that pimp shit and fuck his crew, Ynnie darling. 10/10.

Again I’m joking it’s amazing and I love it so far babes :)
