#kind of a prep to brainstorm something bigger for these two


As Ena watched Mizuki pose in front of the mirror, lifting a finger delicately to their chin in a clearly practiced gesture, she wondered how she had never noticed before. How could she have missed the occasional sharpness in their grin and the quiver of emotion in their eyes. It was impossible for her to look away now, to cast her eyes from the complexity of Mizuki’s gaze.

It was there in this very moment, lurking just beneath the surface as Mizuki picked up a light pink hair clip they found at the store. The flash of something that Ena had long missed, some emotion that she couldn’t place.

“I know I’m cute, no need to stare.” Mizuki chuckled, snapping Ena from her thoughts. They had turned away from the mirror and back towards her. They reached up to remove the new clip, flipping it over in their hand.

Ena scoffed, rolling her eyes slightly. “I wasn’t staring.” She protested, despite knowing quite well that she had been. It couldn’t be helped, the worry she felt for her friend. When Mizuki lifted one eyebrow in blatant disbelief, Ena continued. “You should get that; it looks good on you.”

A smile eased over Mizuki’s lips as they cast their gaze back to the object in question. “You’re right, I think I will.” They said, closing their hand around the clip. Their expression was soft now, the sharpness from before having vanished.

Ena’s concern hadn’t, as she continued walking through the store with them.

Now that she had noticed, ever since the group trip, she always did. Each time her worry grew, nestling deeper in her chest.

When she asked, Mizuki said they were alright. For now, that would have to be enough.
