#king aenys i


King Aenys I Targaryen

7 AC - 42 AC

First born son of Aegon the ConquerorandQueen Rhaenys, husband to Queen Alyssa Velaryon. He was weak as a child, had pale lilac eyes and curly hair. He was also a dragonrider to Quicksilver. After his death, he was supposed to be succeeded by his first born son, Prince Aegon, but the throne was usurped by his brother Maegor the Cruel killing two of his sons in the process. Only his youngest son, Jaehaerys, survived the ordeal and became King of Westeros after Maegor’s death.

Queen Alysanne Targaryen, the Good Queen

36 AC - 100 AC

Sister-wife to King Jaehaerys I,youngest daughter ofKing Aenys I andQueen Alyssa,and dragonridertoSilverwing.She had blue eyes and honey-colored curls. She gave birth to a total of 13 children but she outlived them. She was well known as Good Queen Alysanne for she was loved by the smallfolk. The queen had a fruitful and happy marriage with King Jaehaerys but sadly, she died before him.
