#king steve rogers x princess stark reader


A Princess. A Queen. A Wife. A Mother.

Medieval au

Princess Y/N Stark of York New must marry a man chosen by her brother, by the time she is 21. Her brother’s council have the perfect man in mind, one that is terrifying and hell bent on having his Queen. But Princess Y/N’s heart belongs to another, and luckily so does her hand in marriage.

‘A princess is far more powerful than a king, my love. You have the power of merging families and kingdoms. You have the power of carrying hopeful heirs to the throne. You have more power than you know…’

Bold italics are flashbacks.

Series warnings: swearing, medieval views on women, arranged marriage, smut, bloodshed, violence, 18+ readers only

Part warnings:18+readers only, brief mention of female examination

<Part 22<

Part 23

Dear Steven, My King, My love, My husband-to-be,

I almost can’t believe that in a week’s time we will be married. I can’t believe this is the first letter I am writing to you as your fiance and the last before I become your wife. It’s some what scary to think about, but I’m excited to start this next chapter of my life with you.

I am however not enjoying trying to decide some of the finer details for the wedding. Pepper, still refuses to speak to me and so not having a motherly figure or someone who has planned a wedding to help, I feel a little lost. Anthony, is only so much help and has no clue about flowers.I wish you were here.

All my love,


My love,

I also can’t believe how close we are to being husband and wife, then we may never spend another day without each other as I too have been missing you dearly.

I wish there were was something more I could offer, but I fear I may just be as useless as, Tony.

My advice to you for the flowers would be to take a walk in your gardens. There’s always some kind of beautiful flower blooming there and when you see the perfect flowers for our wedding, you’ll know.

We’ll see each other soon, my love. Know that I love you and soon we shall be together again.

All my love,



“Why am I not surprised?” Tony chuckled. “If that’s what you’d like, then that’s what you shall have.”

Your eyes lit up, “Oh, thank you, Tony!” You jumped up excitedly and wrapped your arms around him.

Tony hugged you back. “They’re your flowers, Y/N.” He smiled. “Use them.”

“They’re hers, Tony.” You smiled softly at him. “And I want her to be a part of my wedding.”

Tony nodded, “She was always going to be apart of it, Y/N, with or without the flowers.” He walked over to his desk and pulled open a cupboard door and took out a velvet pouch. He turned and handed it to you. “Here.” He chuckled.

You opened it and gasped. “Oh, Tony,” You looked down at the pair of earrings that sat in your palm.

“They were what mother wore on her wedding day.” His smile saddened as he thought about her. “Every year, when it was their anniversary, she’d wear them.” He began to frown. “Her lady-in-waiting handed me them one day, begged me to keep them safe so father couldn’t be rid of them like everything else.” He drew in a deep breath, “I know she would have wanted you to wear them on your wedding day.”

You gave him a teary eyed smile. “Thank you, Tony, it means a lot.” You wrapped your arms around him.

Tony hugged you back. “You mean a lot.”


“PRINCESS!” Peter yelled behind you as he tried to get his horse to catch up with yours. “SLOW DOWN!” He groaned. “She’s going to be the death of me.” He admitted to himself.

Your laughter rang through the air as Storm galloped through the trees. Rhodey and Happy were somewhere close by, along with other guards, all keeping watch over you, as you and Peter explored the woods on horse back. You needed to burn some energy, according to Tony. You were excited. Steve was returning to the kingdom, which meant your wedding was only a couple of days away.

You pulled on Storm’s reins and came to a stop as you heard the sound of a carriage and horses close by.

A part of you dreaded the worst, it might have been King Brock or Hydra bandits. But through the trees you could see the familiar flag of Brook. It was Steve.

Bucky looked at his King with a smirk, “Everything okay, Your Majesty?” He asked playfully.

Steve grunted, “Fine.”

“So, why are you in such a hurry?” Bucky asked smirking to himself.

Steve sent him a glare over his shoulder. “Don’t start, Buck, or you’ll be on shoveling shit duty until the wedding.” Steve smirked at him making Sam laugh from his other side. “And don’t you be thinking you won’t be joining him.” Steve shot at him.

Sam’s face fell, “What I do?”

“Nothing yet, but you will.” Steve smirked and looked back a head of him. “And the last time I checked, don’t the pair of you have a reason to hurry back to York New?” Steve didn’t need to look back at the two men to know they were blushing. Check mate.

“PRINCESS!” The sound of Peter’s exasperated voice echoing through the trees stopped Steve and his horse in their tracks.

Bucky and Sam followed then the rest of his men.

“HURRY UP, PETER!” Your laughter bubbled through the air before the sight of you and your trusted stead came into view. “Hello, boys!” You giggled but didn’t stop, galloping past the men of Brook back towards the castle.

Steve grinned to himself as he briefly watched you before he kicked his horse forwards. It didn’t take long for his horse to catch up to yours. “You’re misbehaving, My love.” He called out to you as he came to your side.

“How dare you, Steven. I am nothing but well behaved.” You giggled.

“If you say so.” Steve chuckled.

The pair of you rode along side eachother until you crossed through the gates of the castle. Once you had come to a stop, Steve dismounted his horse before he helped you down.

“Hello, My love.” He whispered, cupping your face in his large hands and gently pressed his lips against yours as the pair of you stood between your horses in your own little world.

You reached up and held tightly onto his tunic. As you pulled back from him you smiled lovingly up at him. “I missed you.” You whispered, placing your left hand over his stubble covered cheek.

“And I you, My love,” He whispered against your lips. “But the next time I leave York New, you’ll be coming with me.”

“For the rest of our lives.” You grinned up at him.

Steve chuckled and kissed you. “I can’t wait.”

“STEVE!” Tony called out as he made his way down the stone steps and over to you. “Good to see you again.” He held his hand out to Steve.

Steve took his hand and gave it a shake. “Tony,” He smiled, “No, Pepper?” He asked.

Tony let out a heavy sigh, “Unfortunately, my wife has come down with something, so she’s resting until the big day.” He nodded, glancing at you. “She sends her love.”

You scoffed and rolled your eyes. “I’m sure.” You muttered under your breath, receiving a nudge from Steve and a look that told you to behave.

Tony smiled, “Enjoy your ride, sister?”

You nodded with a genuine smile. “I did, thank you.”

“Good,” Tony looked round your horse raising his eyebrow as he clapped his hands together. “Where did you leave my men?”

You let out small chuckle as you looked up at Steve. “They’re close by, I promise.”

Tony nodded, “And your men, Steve?”

“With yours.” Steve sent you a wink as he slipped his arm around your waist. Steve looked up at Tony, “All set for tomorrow evening?” He asked.

Tony nodded, “Of course. You know me, I can plan a party-”

“In a matter of hours.” You rolled your eyes at him. “Yes, brother, everyone knows how well you plan a party… Shame you don’t shoot an arrow as well.” You smirked playfully to yourself, knowing that you touched a nerve.

Tony grumbled, “I let you win.”

Steve’s head fell backwards with laughter, “Losing again, Tony?”

Tony glared at Steve. “I let her win.”

Steve nooded before he looked over his shoulder as both kingdom’s men began to return. “My love, I have a surprise for you.” Steve smiled at you.

“A surprise?” You asked with a furrowed brow.

“I would have written about it in my letter, but I wasn’t entirely sure if I’d have it with me.” Steve smiled softly at you.

“Oh, Steven, you didn’t need to get me anything.” You bit your bottom lip excitedly.

“I’m afraid it’s nothing like that.” He chuckled, “It’s more of a surprise guest.” He turned to the royal carriage as Bucky opened the door and helped his mother, Queen Mother Sarah, down the small step.

Your eyes lit up, “Oh, Steve!” You jumped up and swung your arms around his neck. “Thank you!” You pressed a kiss to his lips before hurrying over to his mother.

“My darling gir!” Sarah pushed Bucky out of the way as you ran up to her, pulling you into a tight embrace. “Oh, it’s been far too long.” She squeezed you making you laugh.

“I know.” You smiled at her. “I’ve missed you.”

When Steve’s father became ill in the following months after your 16th birthday and Steve was crowned King of Brook after his father’s passing, his mother became the Queen Mother and moved away from the castle. She needed time to grieve but also wanted to let her son be his own ruler, and she was happy to move into a place of her own still on the castle grounds. Not many people know the whereabouts of her home, which meant you were unable to visit her and only saw her the handful of times when she’d visit her son at the castle. The two of you always got on, she’d joke and say you were the daughter she never had, something you knew Margaret did not like and you were sure Sarah enjoyed it.

“You get more and more beautiful each time I see you!” Sarah beamed at you as she held your face in between her hands, almost squishing your face.

“Okay, mother,” Steve stepped in between the pair of you. “Leave her be.” He rolled his eyes playfully as he wrapped you in his arms making you laugh.

Sarah scoffed, “He acts as if he hasn’t been talking none stop about how beautiful you’ll look walking down the aisle.” She laughed softly, “Isn’t that right, James?” She asked looking up at him.

Bucky nodded, “Yes, Queen Mother. His Majesty, has been none stop, hasn’t he.” He chuckled looking at Steve. “If he hasn’t been talking about how beautiful the princess is, he’s been drawing her.”

“Okay!” Steve quickly pushed you away from Bucky. “I think perhaps we should spend some time alone… Away from them. Now.” He sent Bucky a glare over his shoulder making you giggle as he dragged you away.


“I wish you had been here. It was horrible.” You admitted to Steve as the pair of you sat in library together in the bay window.

Steve let out a heavy sigh as he held your hand, raising it to his lips to press a kiss to the back of it. “I’m sorry, my love. I know it must have been uncomfortable for you… You had someone with you, yes?” Steve raised his eyebrow.

You drew in a shaky breath, “Natasha, yes. Queen Virginia, no.” You muttered. “It’s fine. I’d rather have had, Natasha, with me. She held my hand whilst, Doctor Banner, went about his business.” You blushed deeply avoiding Steve’s gaze.

You weren’t sure how the pair of you had gotten on to the topic of your examination that you’d had to endure during the previous day, but you had. Doctor Banner had confirmed you were pure to the room full of council members that had been stood behind a screen awaiting his verdict, and the wedding could go ahead.

“May I ask you something, Steven?” You asked looking up at him a little nervous.

He nodded, “Of course, my love.”

You drew in a deep breath as you stood up from the window, walking a little away from him. “… Is it true, that the council members have to be in the same room as us… When we, hmm… On, our… Wedding night?” You asked shyly as you knotted yours fingers in front of you.

Steve let out a small sigh, “They have to be present, yes, but not in the same room.” Steve stood up and walked up behind you. “It’ll be just you and I on our wedding night, my love.” He smiled softly as he wrapped his arms around your waist, resting his chin on your shoulder. “I promise, you won’t even know anyone is in the next room…” He kissed your neck lightly making you bite your bottom lip. “I’ll make sure if it.” He smirked against your neck.


