#kingdom hearts 3d dream drop distance




Aqua as a Xehanort vessel/member of the True Organization was a big surprise, but this was actually foreshadowed all the way back in 3D! Recall what Master Xehanort said at the finale of Dream Drop Distance: “But Sora and another on your list belong to me now.” He wasn’t referring to Terra; he was referring to Aqua!
Aqua being in trouble was already implied in earlier trailers (specifically the one where Sora finds the Master’s Defender, with no wielder, on the beach). At the time, we thought the worst that could have happened was that she was Killed Off for Real. Now we know there are worse possibilities that we had ruled out. Additionally, we may know why Xehanort would possess Aqua: she made herself a target by telling Terranort she knew how to get to Ven in 0.2. Since Xemnas’ brute force attempts to get through Castle Oblivion had failed, the next logical step (given Xehanort’s abilities) would be to possess its creator and get her to open it for him.
Even further back, when Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep was first released, one may recall what Vanitas said after his first battle with Aqua.
Vanitas: “Never hurts to have a backup…”
Even better (or worse), the opening to Birth by Sleep in the HD 2.5 rerelease was actually altered to mute Aqua’s hair colour to be more grey, and with this revelation, it had to have been deliberate. It was Foreshadowing in something that you wouldn’t think twice about.
It was foreshadowed in DDD with the reveal of the Recusant’s Sigil. We saw it with Terra, but we thought Aqua was safe, because Eraqus’s symbol broke it. But what was staring us in the face as she moved around onscreen? The one on her back. And when brute force didn’t work against Aqua, what did Vanitas do, again?
Additionally, what if Sora finding the Master’s Defender on the beach was due to Aqua realizing Xehanort’s intent and as a last, desperate defense, flinging the key to Castle Oblivion’s lock as far away from her as possible? That would have left her absolutely defenseless against Xehanort, no matter the state of her heart beforehand.

- In BBS Aqua was supposed to be a backup for Ven as a Light to forge the X-blade

-The 2 on the list. I also thought that it indicates that he means aqua before. But. Before that line he lists off the wayfinder trio and about terra he says “ the feckless youth who became my new vessel”. So I would say he is still referring to Terra (sadly)
