


length: oneshot

word count: 2858

rating: PG

author’s summary:

Yoongi’s life is about to come together. He’s getting married with his mother watching tearfully from the audience. His best friend is beside him, knowing grin and a thumbs up. His partner’s face is aglow.

Until those two little words have to kick down the door of his happiness and take a shit on the rug: “I object!”

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length: oneshot

word count: 7751

rating: PG

author’s summary:

Yoongi’s failure to control his magic didn’t bother him overmuch. As a child, he decided that if magical control was so difficult to learn, he’d just ignore it. Unfortunately, this leads to the life of a loner and an outcast, until one day, a smiling boy hunts him down with lunch for two and a single demand. “Let’s be friends!”

read it on ao3

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