#kings avatar shaotian


Drawing Opposites (Pt. 2)

Pairing:Yu WenZhou x Reader x Huang Shaotian

Word Count: 1196 words

Part 1

A/N These two are too adorable, also Hanyu (Yu Wenzhou’s actor) is so good looking without the glasses! (also with out course)

You sat in your seat, drink in one hand as the other sketched the outline of yet another drawing, waiting for the actual games to start. You heard low cheering from behind you and turned your head to see Blue Rain entering, waving at their fans. You spotted Huang Shaotian immediately, who was waving around happily while also holding on to Wenzhou’s jacket to not fall down. Once they reached the stage, Shaotian had still not let go of Wenzhou’s jacket as he looked around. He then spotted you and pulled at Wenzhou’s jacket before pointing at you. Wenzhou’s looked up, looking at you before nodding while Shaotian was waving happily. You waved back before turning the page and quickly sketching their positions before continuing to make the drawing better as the second team entered, some arrogant team that had won 3 times in a row for their first competition ever. Well, they wouldn’t win again.

As the teams started the single battles. Surprisingly, Shaotian was first and you giggled to yourself, knowing that the other player was doomed. Now Shaotian was already talkative, but when he was in gamer mode he was a hundred times worse (even cursing from time to time). You continued to draw while also paying attention to the battle in front of you. Not surprising, but Shaotian won the first one and the second one pretty fast. The third one was about to start when suddenly all the lights went out. You heard multiple shrieks around you and quickly fished out your phone, turning on your flash.

More phones lit up and soon the whole hall was filled with light once again. You could spot Huang Shaotian and Wenzhou and frowned as you noticed how scared Shaotian looked at that moment. Soon, everyone was told to leave the building. You waited outside of the building, looking around before grabbing your phone. You were about to send something to Shaotian when a message from Wenzhou came in.

‘Need help, Shaotian’s having a panic attack. Come to our room’

You put your phone away and rushed back in against the flow of people and to the Blue Rain room. You knocked on the door and you heard it unlock, opening to reveal a distressed Wenzhou. You entered the room and even though it was still dark, you could spot Shaotian immediately. You rushed to his side, kneeling next to him before softly placing your hand on his. He jolted before suddenly grabbing onto you, making you fall over. You softly petted his hair, trying to calm him down. When his grip on your shirt lessened, you looked to see that he was back to “normal”. For once he was completely quiet, staring ahead of himself. You just continued to pet his hair softly and he pushed his head towards you, still hugging you. Wenzhou stood behind you, staring at his co-captain in worry.

“Better?” You asked and Shaotian looked up, nodding but not letting go of you.

“Let’s get out of here first.” You said as you pulled him up.

An hour later, you were at their dorm, Shaotian still hugging you tightly although he had become his usual self, talking his worries away. Wenzhou had left a few minutes ago to get some food thus leaving you and Shaotian alone, not that you really cared.

“I did great, right?! If power didn’t go out then I would’ve won as well.” He said and you looked at him, smiling.

“You’ll win the next tomorrow anyway.” You answered and he sat up, smiling brightly.

“You think?” He asked happily and you sat up as well, poking his nose.

“I know you will.” He smiled once again, crossing his legs and leaning forward.

“Why?” “Cause you’re Huang Shaotian. You’re the best trash talker in the whole world and that group can’t beat that. They’ll go crazy.” You said and his face softened as he looked at you. You tilted your head at him with a smile and he smiled back stupidly, looking down as he fiddled with his finger.

“Oh my… Our trash talker can’t take compliments, can he?” You joked, leaning forward and he looked up, a blush on his face as he looked away again.

“Oh, come on! Look at me, handsome!” You said and his face became bright red, which he quickly covered with his hands. You giggled again, poking his sides and waiting for a reaction. He let out a squeal and you smiled again, grabbing his hands so that you could see his face once more.

“Hello there.” You joked, getting a bit closer to him before freezing as you suddenly felt his lips on yours. Now you were extremely flustered, but honestly you couldn’t say that you had minded. You stared at him for a few more seconds before hiding your own face, whining loudly.

“Why would you do that?!” You whined loudly as you threw yourself back on your bed. Shaotian laid next to you again, looking at you.

“I like you, (y/n)…” He said and you looked at him before frowning.

“Wait, aren’t you with Wenzhou..?” Just then the door opened and Wenzhou walked in, smirking as he dropped the bags on the table before sitting at the foot of your bed.

“He is.” He answered as he took off his glasses, wiping his glassed before looking back at you with the same smirk as before.

“But I don’t mind that much. After all, I like you as well.” He said, sounding like it was the most normal thing in the world. It took you a few seconds before you progressed everything that was said. You said back up, tilting your head to the side in confusion.

“Wait, so… Like a poly relationship?” You asked and Wenzhou nodded, smiling before getting up again and getting the food. He walked back to the bed and started to unpack the food.

“Are we not talking about this?” “First, eat. We have all the time in the world to talk about it.” Wenzhou answered and you looked at Shaotian, but sighed when you noticed that he had already focused on the food in front of him. You took some food of your own, eating until you were finished. You grabbed the bags and such, walking to the kitchen and throwing it away. Then you made your way back to the bed, seeing that Shaotian had already glued to himself to his captain.

“So… Let’s talk about it now, please…” You spoke as you sat down and both boys looked at you.

“Well, first things first then. Do you like us?” Wenzhou asked and you nodded shyly.

“Alright, then what’s the problem? It’s the same as a relationship between 2 people, only between 3 instead of 2. If you want to set up rules, just say so and we can talk about it.” Wenzhou explained and you nodded, thinking about it for a few seconds before shrugging.

“Too sleepy to think.” You said, pulling Shaotian down on the bed with you before grabbing Wenzhou as well. Luckily the bed was a king’s bed, so you all fit on it. You were cuddling Shaotian while Wenzhou’s arms were draped over you and Shaotian. You fell asleep like that, sleeping in the arms of your now lovers.
