#kingsman the golden circle fanfic


Pairings: Eggsy Unwin x Reader


Words: Over 2k. I don’t feel like counting…

Warnings: Swearing, but that comes with the territory. Also, SPOILER ALERT if you haven’t seen Golden Circle yet. Cause I’ve seen it 5 times and I’m still a wreck.

Notes: I know this isn’t a request, but I had to get it out of my system and couldn’t wait to share it with you! Thanks to @thesandbeneathmytoes for reading it over!


You weren’t sure if your heart could break anymore. The person that you loved with all your heart was getting married to another woman. Tequila, Ginger, Merlin, and Roxy all knew that you’ve loved Eggsy for some years now. Liam and Jamal had known too. They always thought that the two of you would get married and have a family, even when you were kids.

So, even though Eggsy was marrying Tilde, even though you don’t quite know her. You had talked to her a handful of times, it still hurt to see him getting married to her. She was nice and Eggsy seemed to really like her. Which was another knife to the heart. You and Eggsy were practically inseparable, throughout childhood and Kingsman. Your job at Kingsman was simply put as being Merlin’s protégé. So, you thankfully were not killed during Poppy’s strike.


Your phone was going off like crazy, but you didn’t want to answer it. You felt like shit, so you had gone home early. Not wanting to get anyone else at HQ sick. You knew that you could’ve just went down to the med bay, but that just wasn’t happening. Too much like a hospital to you.

So, Roxy drove you home. Leading you to be miserable by yourself in bed.

Giving up, you picked up your phone with 50 missed calls from Eggsy and Merlin combined. You called Eggsy back first, but he didn’t pick up. So, you tried Merlin next, who picked up the phone instantly.

“(Y/n) are you, alright?” He asked.

“Just a bit of a cold, so I had Roxy drive me home because I didn’t want to do it myself. So, what’s up yours and Eggsy’s asses?” You said.

“Oh, thank god,” He said. “Is Lancelot still with you?”

“Nah, she left 10 minutes ago. Once she was done Mother Henning me,” You chuckled.

“Fuck,” You heard him whisper across the line.

“What the fuck is going on Merlin?”

“You’re fucking clones,” Merlin muttered.

“What? I’m no fucking clone, Merlin. Now tell me what the fuck is going on,” You said.

He paused before speaking, “Doomsday protocol. Meet us at the remains of the tailor shop now.”

“Shit. Is Roxy all right?”

“I still haven’t made contact, I’m glad that you’re alright (y/n),” He said and hung up.

So, you practically ran to the tailors and were met with a distraught Eggsy and stoic Merlin. You ran up to Eggsy and held onto him for dear life. You don’t know what you would’ve done if Eggsy was killed.

-End Flashback-

After the events that occurred in the last couple of weeks, Eggsy decided that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with Tilde. Hence the wedding. Here you were standing between Roxy and Tequila. Looking at Eggsy standing up at the altar smiling. That was it for you. You couldn’t be here, even if that meant breaking your childhood promise.

“Rox. I can’t,” You said before turning to leave.

“(Y/n). He wants you here. Just try. Please,” She said before you got any further.

“Let her go, Lancelot. I know what it feels like,” He said before turning to you with a sympathetic gaze. “Go. Get drunk. It won’t change anything, but you’ll feel a hell of a lot better for a couple hours.”

The corners of your lips turned up at this as you quietly excused yourself. Telling those who asked that you had to use the restroom. When in fact you were leaving as fast as you could before you started crying. You kept your head down as you made it to your car. Reaching into your purse, you looked for your keys. Not finding them you looked at your feet. They had simply fallen out of your hands, which you just noticed were shaking with all the emotions coursing through your veins. You reached down to grab your keys but ended up falling and landing on your ass instead.

That was it. You started sobbing uncontrollably. You should be happy that your best friend is marrying somebody he loves, but on the other hand, he is shattering your heart in the process. You wanted it to be you. You wanted to be the one in a white dress today. You wanted to be the reason for Eggsy’s beautiful smile. The one that made his eyes shimmer with that special twinkle. The one that made your heart melt. After a couple minutes your sobs died down and you heard someone call out your name.

“(Y/n) where are ya?” A familiar voice yelled. It didn’t take long to place that voice once you heard them yell out your name again. It was Eggsy. You now held your keys in your hands and slid into the backseat of your car. You pulled out a new piece of Kingsman/Statesman technology that would make you invisible to the naked eye. Now the only issue was keeping quiet so he wouldn’t find you. As you could tell that he was getting closer as his voice was getting louder by the second. Why was he out here looking for you? Little did you know why.

Before Tilde made her way down the aisle, Eggsy looked at his friends and mum. He felt a pang in his chest when he didn’t see you there anymore. His eyes connected with Roxy and she mouthed “sorry” to him. She knew how much it meant to him to have her here. He knew that if she didn’t love him back, he sure as hell wanted her here with him. They had promised as kids to be at each other’s sides forever. He still remembers that like it was yesterday.


It was a cool and breezy day in London. Both of your moms were sitting on a nearby park bench, keeping an eye on the two of you. You were wearing a purple t-shirt with a bright yellow hoodie and jeans. He was wearing a blue hoodie and khakis. There was lots of running around, then you two ran up the stairs for the big slide. You were behind him on the stairs. Once the two of you reached the top he looked at you and smiled.

“Hey (y/n)?” Eggsy asked.

“Yeah Eggsy,” You replied.

“Do you think we’ll be best friends forever?” He asked nervously.

“Of course! You’re my bestest friend ever!” You exclaimed and threw your hands in the air. “We’ll be there for any and everything!”

You were beaming at him, and he was smiling just as wide at you.

“So, we’ll be at each other’s weddin’s an’ babies?”

“Yeah! We’ll be together forever!” You said then kissed his cheek and slid down the slide.

Eggsy was still smiling, it now being accompanied by a light blush and followed you down the slide.

-End Flashback-

Up to this day, he never thought much of what you said, but the kiss has never left him. That wasn’t the only time you’ve kissed his cheek. It was the first that started everything. As in his feelings for you. They’ve been there ever since and grew with each passing day. But not seeing you standing inside the church made him realize that he can’t settle for Tilde. So here he was outside his own wedding, looking for you. He was wondering why you were hiding from him.

You had the feeling that he was going to try and get you to back inside when it was impossible for you to do that. You saw him two cars down from yours. A new wave of emotions washed over you, and you took a deep breath to try and calm down. At least enough to hope he didn’t notice you.

“(Y/n)!” Eggsy desperately yelled. He was frantically looking in each car. He approached your car next.

“(Y/n), where’d ya go love,” He pleaded.

You saw him go from standing to leaning against your car to avoid falling and ruining his fancy ass uniform. The thought made you smile until you noticed what he noticed. There is a little scratch on the right side of the door handle. He would know because he put it there. He instantly stood up and looked inside the car.

“Love? Ya in there?”

He kept looking through the windows, and you held your breath, so it didn’t seem as if the seat you were laying on was breathing. He just stood there, and you got more nervous as the seconds passed by. You could feel your chest tightening as you were running out of breath, and you knew that he knew how long you could hold your breath. Those stupid competitions are biting you in the butt now. But you were able to sneak a shallow breath in when he turned the other way for a second. You hoped he was going to walk away, but he did something worse. Put on his glasses. You knew that Merlin had programmed the glasses to see through the sheets.

So, the second those glasses were on, you knew you were fucked. Once his eyes met yours, they softened from the studying gaze he held moments before.

“Love open the door please,” He asked.

“No,” You said not wanting to confront him yet.

His eyes dropped slightly, “Don’t make me break the window (Y/n).”

You glared at him. Knowing that you were still a little upset that he scratched your car. Not risking any more damage to it, you began to sit up in order to open the door. Eggsy sighed, but instantly that was replaced with nervousness. Why was he nervous?

“But you have to tell me why you’re out here before I open the door,” You said and his back stiffened.

“I’ll tell you if you open the door,” He replied defiantly.

“How about you take off the glasses first, and-” You were cut off by Eggsy opening the door, and ripping the stealth sheet that was covering you off. He was kneeling on the seat between your legs.

You turned your head to the side where you were met with the black leather seat. Still too scared to face him. His left hand cupped your cheek and turned your face to face his. His right hand was resting on your other cheek. His warmth and musk encompassing you. His eyes gazed into yours with nervousness and something else that you couldn’t quite place.

“I realized something standin’ up there,” He said. “You were breakin’ our promise love.”

You chuckled, but it came out more like a choked so. He leaned forward and rested your foreheads against each others.

“Is that why you’re not a prince yet?”

“Not really.”

“Then why are ya out here with me and not in there with your fiancée?”

He leaned forward, and your lips connected in a tender kiss. You started to melt into the kiss, but then remembered where you were. Gently you pushed him back, just enough to give him the hint to stop. You held back tears at what you were about to say. Feeling deep inside that Eggsy was probably just scared to get married.

“Eggsy we can’t. You’re just scared and getting cold feet about marrying Tilde,” You said.

Eggsy looked at you absolutely devastated, like you just absolutely shattered his heart.

“(Y/n),” His voice sounded weak. “I fucking love you, that why I’m here with you,” He was

gaining more confidence. “Cause not seeing you there broke my heart, and it made me realize how much of a prick I am for not telling ya sooner.”

You couldn’t believe it. You were speechless at the fact that Eggsy loved you too. A smile formed on your face as you went to say the three words you’ve wanted to tell him for years.

“I love you.”

He grinned and leaned in once again as your lips connected for the second time. One of his hands held your smiling face to his, as yours wrapped around his neck to hold his face to yours. His lips felt like heaven to you, and you didn’t want to stop kissing him. That was until the need for oxygen was too loud to ignore. You pulled away from him, just enough to take a breath.

Eggsy was beaming at you, and you were sure that your expression matched his.

“So how about we ditch this place?” He said.

“I thought you’d never ask,” You beamed and pecked him on the lips, and crawled up to the front of the car and sped away.
