
brobonebang:Well, well, well. Just two short days ago, the Bro Bone Bang launched on nothing more th


Well, well, well. Just two short days ago, the Bro Bone Bang launched on nothing more than a set of suggestive screencaps and a dream (the dream was about the Winchester brothers having noisy, athletic sex). A mere 48 hours later, we’ve already accumulated 200 prompts on our AO3 collection!! Seems like you guys are really thirsty for some bro boning… and who are we to discourage you? Check our rules,peep our FAQ, and hop on over to our AO3 to get involved. Sam and Dean’s genitals aren’t going to chafe themselves!

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jeanjauthor: ao3commentoftheday:You’ve heard of lemons and the Citrus Scale? Well, what about KINK



You’ve heard of lemons and the Citrus Scale? Well, what about KINKTOMATO?

KINKTOMATO is an important concept in fandom. It’s a humourous re-spelling of YKINMKATO - Your Kink Is Not My Kink (And That’s OK). This is the idea that if you don’t like a particular kink or ship etc, that’s fine but you don’t need to attack or shame the people who do. Just leave them alone to enjoy their fics and art in peace and ask that they do the same in return. 

KINKTOMATO is the “you do you” of fandom. It’s the “whatever floats your boat” of leaving other people alone. It’s an easy and judgement-free way of hoping that your fellow fans enjoy their content as much as you enjoy yours and understanding that different folks like different strokes. 

Having preferences is human. Having squicks is totally normal. Everyone has NOTPs or lines they don’t want to cross. But fandom is a large group of diverse people with varying tastes and interests and backgrounds. Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations. Ship and let ship. Don’t like? Don’t read. Your kink is not my kink, and that’s okay. 

This, writers.

And yes, do bring back “squick” because if it makes you go “ew, ick” then that’s a squick, or a hard “uh no NOT for me” it’s a squick.  (Something that’s genuinely triggering will give you symptoms like hyperventillating, shaking hands, cold sweats, nausea, the feeling like you’re gonna faint, etc, but if it just makes you go “ew, ick” and scrunches your face in distaste, then that’s a squick, my friend.)

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What to do when you don’t like a fic: a step by step guide

Step 1:

Amazing tutorial I recommend to everyone!

Comprehensive and easy to understand 10/10.

Ah, finally a tutorial everybody needed.

here’s an alternative if the previous method doesn’t work to your satisfaction, mobile Firefox edition.

Step 1: Go to the tab menu via the tab button.

Screenshot of AO3 on the Firefox mobile browser, with purple text indicating where to find the tab button next to the URL box.

Step 2: Close the tab via the conveniently located X in the upper-right of each tab thumbnail.

Screenshot of the tab menu in Firefox mobile browser showing multiple tabs open, with purple text indicating the X in the corner of the thumbnail is how to close a tab.

I have personally had great success with this method and highly recommend it to anyone who has encountered a fic they don’t like / approve of.

And now there’s a block function! (or soon to be) Feel free to block the author / mute the fic if you need something more decisive when it comes to curating your AO3 experience.
