#kinn literally held the keys to the handcuffs



you know how kinn says porsche could just go, and he’d tell everyone he died so he can be free? do you think he thought about that for himself too? do you think he thought about running off, not even necessarily with porsche as some kind of runaway lovers thing, but also to escape the family? to live his own life? and do you think as quick as that idea came into his head, he also thought that wouldn’t be possible either? bc his family is too powerful, would be able to seek him out even if he tried to run? that they’d find him eventually and hate him, make him come back? or do you think he entertained that thought for a second, before realizing he couldn’t abandon his family like that? that despite all the hurt that world has caused him, he still loves his brothers, still cares for the people that work for him, still couldn’t bare to disappoint them, to leave them? bc he thinks porsche has no ties, nothing keeping him there, but he, he cares too much, is too important to that family, fulfills his role too well to abandon it all. if porsche leaves, they’ll survive, if he leaves, they’ll crumble. does he stay out of fear or obligation? what’s keeping him trapped, the family or himself?
