#kiri kelly

Upon the High Seas“Charity, Milady ? I brim with charity, Madam. I am charity’s very soul. Which is Upon the High Seas“Charity, Milady ? I brim with charity, Madam. I am charity’s very soul. Which is Upon the High Seas“Charity, Milady ? I brim with charity, Madam. I am charity’s very soul. Which is Upon the High Seas“Charity, Milady ? I brim with charity, Madam. I am charity’s very soul. Which is

Upon the High Seas

“Charity, Milady ? I brim with charity, Madam. I am charity’s very soul. Which is why I’m marooning you here on this barren rock no bigger than your father’s sitting room, that you oft referred to in our company, rather than merely dumping you screaming into the sea.”

“Mayhap as you languish here you will find time to consider what sort of a man your father is who has bottomless resources to spend  in his reckless pursuit of pirating ships, yet spares not a coin to free his eldest daughter ?”

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