#kirishima eijirou x yn


Lost in the Static

Hi hi!!

Another songspiration fic brought to you by BØRNS

Pairing: Prohero! Kirishima x gn!reader

Warnings: slight angst, insecure feelings, happy ending

Kirishima didn’t think much of all the fame and glamor that came with being a top twenty hero. Sure he really enjoyed being appreciated, but he was afraid of that going to his head. Yes, he’s heard stories of fame really getting to people’s heads and showing who they truly are. He feared that happening to him, feared that he would seem untouchable to his fans or even his friends and family.

Most importantly, he didn’t want to seem too far away to you.

He had met you on a patrol, as most heroes do nowadays, and had met your gaze after doing in a villain. The look of awe on your features stood out from the growing crowd that continued to praise him. You however, just stared at him before quickly turning your face at the realization you had been staring at the handsome hero for far too long. You backed away from the crowd, unknowing that you were being followed. A warm yet rough hand turns you around in surprise. You’re met with intense crimson eyes and huffed breathing in a secluded alley. “Sorry! I hope I didn’t scare you! I uh,” he rubs at the back of his neck, “now that you’re in front of me I’m not sure what to say.” He giggles and looks down at you. Kirishima notices your hesitation but also picks up on how comfortable you are with him. He’s shocked when you step a little bit back from him and partially bow toward him, speaking in a soft voice.

“Thank you for your hero work, Red Riot.” And you walked away.

He had never been so captivated by such a small and short interaction but he was seeing stars for days afterward. So many questions ran rampant in his mind, would he ever see you again? What do you like to do? What are your dislikes? What makes you smile? Do you have a quirk? Gosh, just everything about you interests him and it’s been driving him crazy. So he started going on patrol around the first time he spotted you. And lo and behold after two weeks of trying to figure out how to find you, he saw you again. You were walking out of a florist shop with a bouquet in one hand and a bag of small groceries in the other. Despite the small size of the bag, he noticed you struggling and went to grab it for you. “Let me help you out there!” He charms you with a smile and holds the bag for you. You turn to hide your flustered expression and mumble out a thanks, pointing him toward your apartment. The two of you walk in a comfortable yet slightly awkward silence. The red head fumbles with what to say in his mind the closer you get to your place.

You muster up the courage to speak up to the high ranking hero who is just casually walking beside you. You try to keep your heart rate normal but what and why is he here? “You didn’t have to do that for me. I’m usually okay on my own.” Kirishima is quick to hear the downward tilt of your voice, which causes him to frown a bit. He keeps his head down to not draw more attention to the two of you and helps you unload your belongings into your apartment. You thank him and start to close the door on him before he interrupts the motion.

“Can I get your number?”

From that day on, the two of you had a very strange yet cute friendship. He would do his best to visit you when he was on patrol near your neighborhood, and you would send him texts about your day or anything interesting that could have happened. Kirishima truly can’t explain it, but everything you do has him in a trance. He can’t go a single day, or rather a single hour without thinking about you. It gets him through his days and inspires him to do better. However, he can’t shake that there’s something you’re not telling him. He’s so very happy that you have opened up to him and seen your true self shine. It’s beautiful to him to see you be who you really are. And maybe that’s why he’s fallen in love with you so easily. You’re easy to fall in love with and he wants to do everything in his power to take care of you and protect you and just be there for you in any way he can. Never in his life had he felt this kind of pull toward someone, as if suddenly all of those love songs he’s heard all of his life finally make sense. Red Riot is on his day off and ready to hang out with you. As he approaches your apartment, he’s shocked to see a small crowd around your door. His pace quickens as an unsettling feeling settles into his stomach. He taps someone on the shoulder to politely ask, “What’s going on here?”

“You haven’t heard? Some quirkless nobody lives here. Thought that with the changing times we got rid of all of them!”

Someone else intervenes quickly, “I heard it’s cause they have a villainous quirk and someone found out so they lost their job! Soon we’ll get them out of our apartment complex! We may not be heroes but at least we mean something!” The rude men laugh and continue to kick at your door. A subtle rage overcame him and he punches the wall, startling everyone around him. He lifts his head slowly with a low growl.


The small mob picks up on the intense aura and quickly dissolves. Once the crowd is gone, he sees your door is barely being held together and gently taps on your door. “Sweetheart? Pebble? It’s just me, may I come in?”

He hears you shuffle around and maybe some sniffles as you unlock the door for him. Your tear filled eyes are like a knife to his heart and almost feel like the world is ending. Kirishima carefully enters your apartment, removing his shoes and following you further into your abode. Your arms wrap around yourself tightly, fingernails digging into your skin. “Just ask me already.”

He hums in confusion, but takes a deep breath before asking. “Are you quirkless?” The sharp inhale of your breath affirms his suspicions. You furiously wipe at your eyes as fresh tears fall. He’s keen to see your shoulders shake and proceeds to hug you from behind, his chin resting by your shoulder. “It’s nothing to be ashamed of, you know that.”

You sigh and push out of his grip. “But you don’t.”

“What, what do you mean?”

You fidget your fingers and turn around toward him, eyes not quite meeting his. “When I’m with you,” you pause to collect your thoughts, “when I’m with you everything makes sense. I feel so light and airy. You’ve become one of my best friends and I thought that maybe we could be more! But I can’t do that to you. You’re a high hero, and the tabloid said-“

“What tabloid?” His eyebrows furrow in deep confusion and concern. He knew reading into those things wouldn’t be good for his inner peace so he makes sure to avoid them. He picks up the magazine off of your counter and sees skillful pictures of the two of you with awful headlines. Some were calling you a charity case considering you have no registered quirk, or going as far to say you’re not worthy of his time. “How did they get these? You know these aren’t true!” He quickly throws the magazine like it was trash on fire and brings you into a comfortable hug. He lets you cry into him until your tears have dried up. The whole time he’s whispering soft words of encouragement and rocking you back and forth. “How are you feeling right now?”

You sniffle and tighten your hold on him. “A little stupid. Those fans of yours made it seem like the world was gonna end if we started dating…”

Kirishima’s cheeks warm up at the word dating. Well obviously he’s thought about wanting to date you but has never made it well known for fear of this exact thing. The world clearly isn’t going to end, so why not give dating a chance? “I don’t know if I’m ever gonna get the chance to tell you this again so I’m gonna say it.” He softens his hug and tilts your chin up with his finger. The only light illuminating you two beaming from the kitchen and the setting sun between the open blinds. “Whenever I’m with you or even think about you, the world around me becomes static and I’m stuck on your sound. I feel as if my soul, no our souls, are connected and intertwined. The world around me makes perfect sense and I just, I just really love you so much. I don’t think I can stay just friends with you.”

You lift your head from his chest with wide concerned eyes. “But I’m quirkless, I lost my job, I would just bring you down.”

The tiny pout in your lips had his attention drawn to them. He lets his instincts take over and closes the gap and silences your rambling. You hum in shock and melt into the kiss, truly feeling him encompass your entire being. The two of you pull away briefly with shy chuckles. “I uh didn’t mean to do that so suddenly! I mean, I had wanted to obviously but may I do that again?”

You can only nod as your hands wrap around his neck to bring him down to your lips for another soft and beautiful kiss. The hero’s hands fall to your waist as you both get lost in each other. The kiss meant more than just a shared love, it was expressing sentiments of understanding and care. That no matter what has happened or will happen, you two will be strong in each other. Your love can handle and withstand whatever life will throw at you two. As the kiss deepens, you didn’t wanna let go of him, afraid that the charade would end and you would be left with your dismal reality. Yes, you were captivated by the hero the first time you saw him in action and had wanted to know more. But your insecurities prevented you from believing you were worthwhile to him. So when he approached you that day, you were flabbergasted to the point you thought he’d think you were deaf! And he kept talking to you. To you! And you fell. God, how you fell for him as hard and as fast as he did. So you relish in this kiss, a kiss that seals and confirms all of your doubts and fears.

He’s your man and you are his in every way.


Lost in the Static

Hi hi!!

Another songspiration fic brought to you by BØRNS

Pairing: Prohero! Kirishima x gn!reader

Warnings: slight angst, insecure feelings, happy ending

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