
kiwibli: no tears left | a hair ok the reference to this is pretty obvious…ok well if it isn’t thekiwibli: no tears left | a hair ok the reference to this is pretty obvious…ok well if it isn’t the


no tears left | a hair

ok the reference to this is pretty obvious…ok well if it isn’t then watch this + be blessed i’m such an ariana stan…also info that nobody rly cares about… this is my first hair that i actually stuck w  and didn’t abandon so that’s cool ig?? i’m pretty satisfied w how it came out + i hope ya’ll like it.

  • base game compatible
  • female teen-elder; hat compatible too
  • custom thumbnail + correct categories and whatnot
  • recolor to ur heart’s desire, just read my simple tou! <3
  • p.s. preview inspired by @grimcookies
  • preview pics
  • let me know if u experience any issues or comments/concerns!! 

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