#klarolijah trilogy my beloved



light years | the unrequited carolijah trilogy

oh, the glory of it all was lost on me

‘til i saw how hard it’d be to reach you

and i’d always be light years, light years away from you

Elijah knew it was wrong.

His brother was happy, finally. For a thousand years that was all he had wanted, really. For Niklaus to find happiness — not gratification, not satisfaction or wicked delight at killing and scheming for power.

But actual happiness. The kind that made his eyes soften, that made him smile like he used to when they were humans.

And he had all that now. Whenever he was around Miss Forbes — Caroline —, he looked like Elijah had not seen him in a long while. Perhaps like he had never seen him before, truly.

Perhaps his brother would hesitate to use the word, but he was certain there was love in Niklaus’ eyes whenever they looked at her. Always searching for her presence in the room before anyone else’s. His eyes always darting to her face to catch her reaction, to seek her approval.

And she returned it in kind. With eyes rolls and occasional — well, rather frequent, truth be told — stern looks and those smiles… Niklaus’ breathing stopped for a second whenever she smiled at him like that.

And everytime it felt like a knife was being twisted deep into his stomach.

They were happy. And Elijah wanted that for them.

But shouldn’t he be happy, too?

A thousand years looking after his brother. A thousand years sacrificing everything for Niklaus’ sake… And where was his reward? Shouldn’t someone be looking at him like that?

… Shouldn’t she?

Keep reading

Thank you, @klarolineauseason, for the opportunity to reblog this again with a proper rec! I’m using the original post because I love this cover art so much.

You guys……….. I’m not even exaggerating, this is one my favorite pieces of fic ever written in the KC fandom. The way a Klarolijah fic speaks to me can be so personal.

Listen. I love the Klarolijah dynamic. I really do. But it takes a very specific balance for me to feel it. It can very easily go from me loving it, to me wanting to throttle someone. And this! THIS!! This is absolutely it. And it’s just about my favorite thing ever.

This is actually three mini drabbles combined into one. Each of them is written through a different POV - Klaus’, Elijah’s and Caroline’s. And the combination of all three, the way they tell the same story through different eyes, is just !!!!!!!!! Honestly, I don’t have words. This has ✨Yokan my beloved✨ written all over it and I feel it very much.

It’s so rare to find a good Elijah fic, and in this one mini drabble Luiza managed to write him so perfectly! There’s a hint of self-loathing, with a dash of jealousy and obvious criticism for Klaus. Then Caroline’s piece is so full of heart and kindness, but with sass and fire as well. Her personality is expressed so well in the little details. And then Klaus’ possessive, slightly distorted, super paranoid view of what has been previously narrated is just chef’s kiss! Luiza has an absurd grasp over these characters in this very convoluted context, and I cannot with how much I love it.

If you haven’t read this yet, please do yourselves a favor! ❤️ You won’t regret it!
