

When i see females being fed piss from a Man’s Cock and she spits it out or pulls an ugly face, i get angry.  How can they reject such a precious gift?  When a Man chooses to give His piss or any body fluid to a female, it should be appreciated for the truly generous blessing it is.  i’m not talking about females who try their hardest but are unable to swallow it all, i mean the females who keep their mouths open then deliberately spill it out.

Respecting a Man includes anything that comes from Him.  It is all a beautiful gift we should be privileged and honoured to be given.  show respect by swallowing it all.

A lot of people think believing in Male Superiority is hating females.  This isn’t the case.  Nothing against misogynists or those who enjoy misogyny, that is completely their right and i make no judgement on them.  This is just to point out it doesn’t have to be a part of Male Superiority.

i believe Male Superiority is the most natural, right and appropriate way to structure a relationship.  Men are naturally better suited to being in authority and control and females are much better suited to be followers and servants.  It is how we are all designed by nature.

It is exactly because nature designed us to be this way, that a relationship with a Man in total authority is actually one of the most caring and kind for a female to be in.  Teaching her how to please Him, correcting wrong behaviour, punishing disobedience and training to remove resistance in her so she can be a better female for Him, are those very acts that show love and caring.  He of course, is the best judge of what those actions will be.  

By all means, be a misogynist and be happy in it, this is just to let others know it is not the only way to be.  A Man being Superior is natural and a good thing.

Thought You might like to see my eyes :)

Thought You might like to see my eyes :)

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i have never liked it.  i never understood why anyone did.  It always felt really wrong to just lay there and have a Man work hard at something that really isn’t going to give Him pleasure.  There have been times when Men have wanted to do it and i let them, but as quickly as i could turned things back onto pleasuring Them.  my first Dom demanded it of me just once.  It was still not pleasurable but at least it was an order.

In all honesty, i don’t think any Man should ever have to do it.  i am so grateful to be with a Master now who simply will not do it. 

i love all Men and think all Cocks are beautiful, but there is something about an old Man that is so hot.  i like to look at pix and vids of old Men fucking younger females and i just adore them.  Can’t take my eyes of their gorgeous Cocks to be honest.  i think all old Men - 70 and over - are the sexiest Men of all, but if i have to choose one group of old Men, it would be the chubby/fat Men who are really hairy.  God!  Watching an old, chubby, hairy Man work his Cock makes me almost cum.  If i was allowed to cum that is.

“It’s clear the male orgasm is strongly selected and it makes sense,” said Wallen. “If they don’t reach orgasm, they don’t leave offspring.”

To look at the question in reverse, women have a strong evolutionary selection for nipples – without them their babies would die, according to Wallen. However, nipples serve no biological purpose in men.

In analysis of the Bonaparte data, the researchers first had to reframe the question. Instead of asking, “Do you have orgasm during intercourse?” they created a “more explicit survey” asking if manual or oral stimulation had been involved.

After analyzing data from 100 female volunteers, ranging from 18 to 60, they found about 11 percent said they always have orgasm during intercourse and the same number said they never climaxed.

Source: http://abcnews.go.com/Health/ReproductiveHealth/sex-study-female-orgasm-eludes-majority-women/story?id=8485289

People seem to have some strange ideas about bdsm - what is correct or right for a slave in particular.  When You ask me what i am wearing and i reply a dress, jumper, underweart, pyjamas, slacks, sack cloth or anything else, the incorrect response is;

“You should be naked.”

Why?  Who made You my Master?  Who said You had the last word on what was correct attire for someone else’s property?

If You ask me a question, i’m going to give You an honest answer, not a ‘here’s fodder for Your wanking’ answer.  

How a slave dresses, moves, speaks, whether they shave body parts or not, is up to the individual Owner of that slave and not anyone else.  Contrary to what narrow minded porn producers will have You believe, there is no ONE WAY, no correct anything for a slave to be/do/look.  

Sorry to burst Your bubble there.  Some Owners want a hairy cunt, some don’t.  Some Owners want a conservative “pass in polite society” slave, some don’t.  Neither is right, wrong, better or worse than the other.  It is simply what works for that Owner and slave.

This post may not fall into fapping material, but then i’m not here as fapping material.  i don’t just fantasise this life, i actually live this shit.  i have lived it for 16 years.  

Being collared, being a submissive is not enough.  i need more than that, i need to know with every fibre of my being throughout the whole day that i am owned, that i am property.

It’s not about kinky fetishes or fun, there is a very deep need i have to know i am not a free woman, i am not like other females walking the earth.

i need to know i will never be allowed to orgasm again.  i need to tease myself several times a day and feel myself being aroused over and over, without being able to do a think about it.

i need to feel that pain in my clit from engorgement of blood because i have been making myself horny and not cumming.

Other females get to cum.  Other females are made to hold off for a while and then get to cum.  i need to know that will never be me.

i have a deep need, so deep it comes from the depths of my soul, to be nothing.  To be less than nothing.  To know i exist in this body but this body is not mine.  i have no say over what happens to it.  i can be told to do things (like keep aroused) and i have to obey, but i cannot choose what to do and i cannot disobey.

i don’t know what to call this, this need i have that goes beyond just a need.  i want to be stripped of every right, of every privilege.  i want to be made a non person in my own country so i can never work, never leave the country, never receive ‘protection’ from authorities.  To be completely and totally at the mercy of the one who owns me.  To be debased and degraded beyond what is considered kinky or fun.

1. Dogs don’t cry.

2. Dogs love it when your friends come over.

3. Dogs don’t care if you use their shampoo.

4. Dogs think you sing great.

5. A dog’s time in the bathroom is confined to a quick drink.

6. Dogs don’t expect you to call when you are running late.

7. The later you are, the more excited dogs are to see you

8. Dogs will forgive you for playing with other dogs.

9. Dogs don’t notice if you call them by another dog’s name.

10. Dogs are excited by rough play.

11. Dogs don’t mind if you give their offspring away.

12. Dogs understand that farts are funny.

13. Dogs love red meat.

14. Dogs can appreciate excessive body hair.

15. Anyone can get a good-looking dog.

16. If a dog is gorgeous, other dogs don’t hate it.

17. Dogs don’t shop.

18. Dogs like it when you leave lots of things on the floor.

19. A dog’s disposition stays the same all month long.

20. Dogs never need to examine the relationship.

21. A dog’s parents never visit.

22. Dogs love long car trips.

23. Dogs understand that instincts are better than asking for directions.

24. Dogs understand that all animals smaller than dogs were made to be hunted.

25. When a dog gets old and starts to snap at you incessantly, you can shoot it.

26. Dogs like beer.

27. Dogs don’t hate their bodies.

28. No dog ever bought a Kenny G or Hootie & the Blowfish album.

29. No dog ever put on 100 pounds after reaching adulthood.

30. Dogs never criticize.

31. Dogs agree that you have to raise your voice to get your point across.

32. Dogs never expect gifts.

33. It’s legal to keep a dog chained up at your house.

34. Dogs don’t worry about germs.

35. Dogs don’t want to know about every other dog you ever had.

36. Dogs like to do their snooping outside as opposed to in your wallet, desk, and the back of your sock drawer.

37. Dogs don’t let magazine articles guide their lives.

38. Dogs would rather have you buy them a hamburger dinner than a lobster one.

40. You never have to wait for a dog. They’re ready to go 24 hours a day.

41. Dogs have no use for flowers, cards, or jewelry.

42. Dogs don’t borrow your shirts.

43. Dogs never want foot-rubs.

44. Dogs enjoy heavy petting in public.

45. Dogs find you amusing when you’re drunk.

46. Dogs can’t talk.

47. Dogs aren’t catty.

48. Dogs seldom outlive you.

From http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/965399/posts

She embraces patriarchy (male authority over women) in the home, the Church and in society

“5 But if her father disallow her in the day that he heareth; not any of her vows, or of her bonds wherewith she hath bound her soul, shall stand: and the Lord shall forgive her, because her father disallowed her.” – Numbers 30:5 (KJV)

“22 Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord.

23 For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body.

24 Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing.” – Ephesians 5:22-24 (KJV)

“11 Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection.

12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.” – I Timothy 2:11-12 (KJV)

“But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God.” – I Corinthians 11:3 (KJV)

After years of no sexual use at all, Master had me on the bed last night and finger fucked me roughly.  i was a little dry from not drinking enough water lately, so it really hurt me as He did it.  i loved it.  Feeling the burning sensation from being dry fucked made me so horny.  i was humping His hand like crazy, i couldn’t get enough.  The more it hurt, the more i fucked His fingers while He thrust them into me.  The more He thrust into me, the more it hurt.  It was a delicious cycle.  There was no orgasm, i am forbidden those.  When finished, Master was very pleased with how it went and i was sore and over the moon that i had been used.  All is well in my world.

As much as i want to stick to my daily chores list and do a good job, life has a habit of getting in the way and creating other plans.  i had that happen last week and this week, it has been hard to get back into the swing of things.

Master is very understanding when this happens, which i am very grateful for, but there are limits as their should be.  i needed to find an incentive to get me back into being productive.  It should not have to take threat of punishment to get me to do what i should be doing anyway.  So after my little play with the bulldog clips yesterday, i got an idea.

i put the clips back on promising myself they would not come off until i had done everything that needed doing today.  It’s not a whole lot but i tend to drag it out.  Amazingly, with the clips on my nipples, it took me all of 22 minutes to get everything done.  i emailed Master to share this idea with Him, so He will know i am getting back to the schedule.  Think i will keep this idea for if i need it again in the future.

Feel free to ask me anything.  Anonymous has now been switched on.


When you see an image of a female being fucked hard, being tired up, being beaten and Your Cock gets hard, that is Your body telling You this is right, this is good, this is natural.

When a female sees the same image and her cunt gets wet and horny, that’s our bodies telling us this is truth.  This is what we were made for, to be treated this way.  When your cunt gets that aroused, you know your body isn’t lying.  Why not give in to what your body is telling you it wants, to what your body is telling you is right and natural?

My training began as young as 3, where i was taught my place and the reason females exist is for Men

My training began as young as 3, where i was taught my place and the reason females exist is for Men’s pleasure.  i do not begrudge this at all.  i am thankful for all that happened because it made me who i am today and i would not change a thing.

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Just bought one to begin lactation training.  So excited!  Hopefully, it will arrive by the end of the week.

i’ve wanted to lactate for years.  Did try once, got myself a hand pump and began working it, but it wasn’t really effective.  This time i have a hospital grade one.  It also has battery power so i will be able to use it if we go away for a day trip or for the weekend.

i’ve been taking herb supplements for two weeks now and will be getting my supply of domperidone soon, which greatly assists milk production, even in females who are not pregnant.  Apparently, it takes a few months of commitment before it happens, not an overnight thing.  Still excited!

He awoke to darkness, feeling the cold outside He turned, rubbed and tapped her shoulder until He could feel her shift to face Him.  He placed a hand on her shoulder and pressed down.  Instantly she responded from a habit long practiced that no words were needed.  she scooted down in the bed until her face was level with His crotch, her nose inches from His flesh.  she inhaled His musky ordour, then kissed the tip of His Cock and very tenderly opened her mouth to encase the Head.  she waited.

He felt her mouth warm and comforting, fully enclose His Cock head.  Sure of a complete seal, He relaxed and the stream began to pour at a speed He has learned to regulate so she did not spill any on the sheets.

His piss flowed warmly into her mouth as she gulped it down lovingly.  The slight salty taste from the meal the night before hit her taste buds, as she continued to drink Him into her.  she did not gag, simply recognised this was His piss she was drinking, willingly so.  The last of His yellow nectar emptied into her mouth, she gulped it down then gently opened her mouth.  she raised one arm to tenderly hold His Cock and give it a shake, then she licked the eye to take up any remaining drops.  she gently placed it against Him then scooted back up the bed to snuggle her pillow once more.  He gave her a firm swat on the arse to let her know she had pleased Him, then drifted back into sleep.

“ For normal women, it is hard to imagine being sexually attracted to an inferior person, so it is women who try to be equal to men thinking that will make us more appealing to them. In the gospel of Oprah, we are commanded to become the man we want, as if that will attract that man, as if a man wants a piss poor imitation of himself. Of course, this is a lie, and man does not want a bad facsimile of himself. Women don’t seem too happy with this arrangement either, given all the divorces they file and happy pills they take, and the simple reason for this is that a woman does not want an equal, but a superior. Her heart knows that she is inferior and that she is designed to be that way but she won’t just relax and accept that her place is to serve a man in return for his care and protection. “

Read full article here:  https://davidcollard.wordpress.com/2013/09/16/a-guest-post-from-a-frank-woman/

One of the reasons feminists hate females who know they are inferior, is because feminists aren’t secure in their own beliefs.  If they are right and equality is so true, why would a female believing and behaving as inferior be a threat?  If equality was true, we would not see more and more Men turning away and more and more females giving it up.  If it was true, nothing an inferior female could say or do would change that.
