#koi merman


Male! Koi Mer x GN! Reader

Warning: Literal ball of FLUFF

Word Count: 1.1k


Part 1,Part 3


It was a bright sunny day, just like the last time you visited the park as you walked through the forest path eagerly. The rustle of leaves seemed to call out to you to continue to journey through the deep shadows of the trees. When you arrived at your normal and familiar peace place, you found the warm colours of the koi fish.

“Ryo?” Your voice rang through the ripples of the big pond and you fiddled with your hand as the sound appeared to be echoing it back to you. “A-are you there?”

For a moment, it was silent and your shoulders dropped when realizing that what happened last time must’ve been just a hallucination of some sort. Sighing, you perched yourself under one of the trees and pulled out a book, the one you prepared for the mer. It was lonely—something you’ve never experienced when staying at this part of the park. You almost froze and halted your reading when you realized the feeling, but continued on with your self-facade of nonchalance.


A name then called out to you and you almost stopped breathing. The handsome face of the pale-skinned merfolk appeared in your vision and you smiled broadly.

“Ryo,” you breathed out. Swiftly lowering the book, you dashed and crouched in front of him. “You actually came.”

“I did,” he said bashfully, looking at you with his two twinkling black eyes. The colours of his scales sparkled as his tail moved excitedly under the glittering water. “And you came back.”

“Of course I did.”

“I-is that a book?” he asked, gesturing at the book that was placed back on the tree.

Quickly fetching the item, you came back with it and showed him the title, assuming that he could read human language of English. “My favourite book,” you said fondly. Beaming at him, you flipped a page and traced the ink-sunken words carefully. “I thought you would like it as well.”

His hand hovered over the paper but then drew back when a splatter of water was about to be dropped on it. “Sorry,” he apologized, looking down at his reflection on the pond bashfully.

Taking his hand into yours, you gently caressed his silky, wet hand with your thumb. His adorable blush made you grin like a cheshire cat from amusement and shook your head. “It’s all right.”

The pond suddenly rippled violently and you glanced at the water to see his tail swishing nervously side to side. Then Ryo suddenly tensed and embarrassedly looked at you with wide eyes.

“You’re adorable,” you remarked, tilting your head.

His mouth opening, his gaze darted around you before submerging himself halfway with his nose under the water. “You’re making fun of me.” His voice was blurred slightly and bubbles escaped to the surface of the pond and you laughed wholeheartedly.

“I’m not,” you denied genuinely, poking at the bridge of his nose affectionately. Then he ducked himself fully under while you waited patiently, criss-crossing your legs over one another and laying the book on your lap.

When he jumped out of the water, he laid his arms on the rock and rested his chin on them. “You’ve got a talent for making me embarrassed,” he said, lips forming a pout.

“What can I say? You’re really easy to mess up with.” You smiled. “Do you want to listen to the story?”

“Yes please.” He shifted into a sitting position where his tail rose above the surface slightly and glowed lusciously.

Taking your eyes off of it, you started to read off the pages, the words rolling off your tongue smoothly and seemed to create small ripples through the pond. While doing so, you occasionally peeked over the book to look at Ryo who instantly lowered his head to avoid being caught staring at you. Every time he did, you smiled giddily behind the pages and listened to the constant sound of the water lapping as his tail swished. He never once interrupted and just listened to you intently with great wonders written on his face.

You were not aware of the sky turning dark and you continued to read halfway through the story; yet Ryo tapped your arm gently to get your attention. Humming in response, you halted and looked at him curiously.

“It’s getting dark,” he said softly. Smiling rather sadly, he bit his lower lip as he watched you check the sky. It was indeed getting darker where the colour turned into pastel blue to a tint of a start of vibrant orange. “You should go before the forest becomes dark as well.”

“Right.” You searched for the bookmark you kept in your bag but sighed dejectedly when you couldn’t find it anywhere. “I thought I put it in here,” you mumbled.

“What are you searching for?” he questioned, tilting his head.

“A bookmark to mark the place where we stopped reading,” you answered, pursing your lips as you took another search through the cluttering objects of your essentials. Another sigh left your lips and you were stuck with sticking a piece of napkin between the pages. Looking back at Ryo, you see him nodding to himself with a distant expression and you smiled. “Did you like the story?”

“I enjoyed it very much,” he said earnestly, a bright grin adoring him.

“That’s good to know.”

“It’s very different from the stories I’ve heard from the other folks.” He glanced at you nervously. “Perhaps I can tell you one some day?”

You almost melted at the sight of his blush but you managed to say, “I would love to.”

Surprised, you watched him as he hesitantly placed his hand on yours and cradled it gingerly. They were smooth, soft, and shockingly cold—the touch was incredibly comfortable.

“Thank you,” he whispered.

“It was no problem at all.”

He rolled to his stomach and gazed up at you with an unreadable look on him. “I really enjoy being around you.”

Tenderly, you placed your unoccupied hand on his cold cheek and tilted your head to the side. “Me too.” Leaning towards him, you pecked his forehead, your lips lingering on his skin and the cold sensation leaving with you as you pulled away. “I’ll come back again soon to finish the story,” you promised.

His hands shook and his eyes seemed to moisten, but he somehow pulled both of yours to kiss them “Thank you.” His breath tickled against knuckles and you squeezed his hands back. “I’ve never expected so much kindness from you.”

How could you notsmile at his words?

”Expect more to happen then.”


Writing a second part of a story that nobody knows of its existence. Anyways, I enjoyed writing this and I hope someone would enjoy reading it as well.

Part 1,Part 3



Male! Koi Merman x GN! Reader

Warning: Setting in forest and pond, Fluff

Word Count: 1.2k

Part 2,Part 3


The sound of the water rippling repeatedly cut through the calm silence, caused by the koi fish swimming leisurely through the serene pond. Currently, you were lying against a tree with your eyes shut, the sound of people in the distance muffled by the wall of branches and grasses. This patch of nature was one of the biggest parks you ever know and it’s filled with many beautiful places—like the pond in front of you.

It was a rather big pond in the middle of the park, connected to a streaming river, and colours of white, orange, red, golden, and black all painted through the transparent water. There was a small bridge between the entrance of the river and the circular pool that casted a shadow over the surface. And the best part is that the place was secluded by other pedestrians.

This was your favourite place to be when you wanted to be left alone and just lie on the soft grass. You don’t have to worry about being lost or being too lonely since the main part of the park was a safe distance away and snaps of voices drifted to the place.

Smiling peacefully, you sighed happily as sleep started to take over you.


You cracked open an eye towards the water and your forehead crinkled. The sound was rather loud but you shrugged it off as some of the hungry koi. You once more laid your head against the bark as your breathing started to become shallower.


Swiftly as thunderbolt, you looked at the pond to see that the koi fish were all positioned at the corner. Narrowing your eyes, you creeped slowly towards the water with all your fours, ignoring the cold dirt seeping through your palm and your knees. Tentatively, you peeked over at the pristine water and scanned through with suspicion. When you found nothing, you were about to shrug it off when your gaze landed on the bridge. Tilting your head, you walked near the stoned structure and stuck your head under.

Big ripples skimmed across the water—then you saw it. A tail almost as long as your entire height and thick as the length of your arm, littering with splats of beautiful red and oranges over a white canvas, and an upper body of a human with pale skin smoothly joined on it. You looked up above the next and gasped when you saw a handsome face staring right at you with his pale cheeks flushed to almost the same colour as his red scales.

“I…” he uttered quietly, frozen in place in panic.

With  your lips quivering anxiously, you leaned towards him with wide eyes. “W-What—Whoareyou?”

“I’m R-Ryo,” he said, his voice almost inaudible. His hands clutched at the edges of the stones on the bridge as he pressed his back against it.

Quite reluctantly, you said your own name, trying for a small, friendly smile. “Nice to meet you,” you said awkwardly.

His body hesitantly swam towards you, his beautiful colours of his scales flickering graciously and sparkled as he came into the light. You couldn’t help but admire his lean form and saw the other details on his body; there was a thin and delicate fin lined up from the very end of his tail to the middle of his spine, the bits of red scales littered on his skin, and his adorable cheeks that are slightly puffed up. He easily towered over you and you almost had to look directly at the sky to meet his gaze. It was amazing to watch such a enormous form moving in a shallow and small pond without any trouble or discomfort.

“You’re amazing,” you couldn’t help but say.

Ryo’s face heated to an endearing colour of pink, but the corners of his lips turned into a bashful smile. “Th-Thank you.”

Tilting your head, your brows furrowed in puzzlement. “Why haven’t I noticed you before?”

“I tried to hide away from you,” he said. “You’re such a beautiful human and I-I was afraid that you would be disgusted by a creature like me.”

“Oh…” You looked away, feeling your neck crawl with an intense heat of embarrassment, yet you looked up to him with a comforting smile. “You’re also beautiful, you know?”

You widened your eyes when he suddenly dove into the water, somehow completely submerging himself before springing up into the air again. Jumping back, you watched as his mouth opened and closed repeatedly just like the koi fish around him.

His face ever so slowly swayed towards you, his eyes shining gorgeously. “I-I—you… y-you really think so?”

Nodding, you brought your fingertips to his face, and skimmed gently over the soft pale skin. You felt him shiver under your touch, and through his chest emerged a light chuckle and duck away as if it tickled.

“You’re very beautiful, Ryo.”

He blushed madly, but grinned ear-to-ear like a child that was so adorable.

“So,” you said, “what do you do around here?”

“I swim at the larger lake just a few distance away from here,” he said, gesturing beyond the river. “And sometimes I…” –he looked away embarrassedly– “I listen to you read to yourself.”


Shocked, you stayed silent for a while with your eyes wide and lips parted. Blinking a few times, you got yourself out of the daze and smiled at him. “Maybe I could read something for you the next time I meet you?”

“T-The next time?”

You tilted your head and furrowed your brows. “We’re not going to meet again?”

“Of course!” he said in a rush. His tail flapped against the surface of the pond and the water sprayed on you. “Sorry!”

Laughing in amusement, you shook your head and cracked open your eyes. “Don’t worry,” you said, brushing off the specs of water on your clothing.

His entire face beamed in excitement as he asked, “When can I meet you again?”

Pursing your lips, you looked at him sheepishly. “I actually don’t know.”

“Well if you come here the next time, just call my name.” He traced patterns on the rock you were crouching on. “I’ll come here really quickly.”

You nodded. “Got it.”

“But for now, I-I think you should go now.” He gestured up at the horizon, the sun sinking slowly to the ground. “It will be dark soon.”

“Right,” you said, standing up. You stumbled on your steps when the spark of numbness spread through your legs abruptly. Dusting off invisible dirt to hide your embarrassment, then smiled down at Ryo who was watching you with unreadable eyes.

“I’ll see you again, okay?”

He somehow rose to his full height graciously, reaching just below your shoulder. His long tail adored with scales dazzled against the blazing sunlight, almost blinding you with its shine. It once more amazed you how big and powerful, yet so elegant and mythical he was.

“I’ll be waiting,” he promised.

Without a thought, you leaned down to him and pressed a chaste kiss on his cool and wet cheek, lips stretched shyly against his skin. Ryo just stayed there frozen in place, staring blankly at the place just behind you. You licked your upper lip nervously and duck away in shyness.

“Sorry,” you mumbled. “Have a nice evening.”

“You too.”

His voice was soft and faintly echoed through the gentle wind. Perhaps you imagined it, but you heard a small awe in his words that sent a warm wave in your heart.


A small writing that I’ve done because I had some free time to kill. Hope you enjoyed this short and inadequate writing.

Part 2,Part 3
