#koichi haimawari

PopCrawl - “New Romantics” by Aurora LynneWho else is reading Vigilantes? I love these two with a pa

PopCrawl - “New Romantics” by Aurora Lynne

Who else is reading Vigilantes? I love these two with a passion and I hope you enjoy this piece! 


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Vigilantes Ch. 125 Review (the penultimate one, sob!!!)

It’s always hard to say goodbye. But it seems like we’re getting a good ending that fits thematically with both this series AND with MHA, and that gives me such a comforting feeling!!! Ok, the big news first…..

KOICHI IS A PRO HERO IN NEW YORK CITY!! KOICHI GETS THE SPIDER-MAN ENDING! And he’s no longer “just” the ground crawler or the wall crawler…he’s the SKYCRAWLER! Bless him for keeping the hoodie on his uniform.

Koichi examining his scar in the mirror was a great callback to Chapter 1, when Koichi got into his first battle with Soga (defending Pop!) and Soga slashed his cheek in the same spot.

Speaking of, Pop is still recovering in Naruhata, but I like that Soga is watching over her while Koichi is away. Considering that the series started with Soga as a villain assaulting Pop, seeing him go out of his way to take care of her is sweet. It’s also a great parallel to MHA, where this week’s chapter has Shoto convincing Dabi that he can choose a different path for his life. In case anyone’s curious about whether the MHA villains will be given second chances….yeah, they will.

And then, there’s AFO. He’s confused and baffled how an “utterly average civilian” could become so powerful. Circumstance, life experience, and “force of will” are not things he can manipulate or control, no matter how much money AFO spends.

AFO is very willing to pay a very exorbitant cost to keep OFA from interfering with his plans to live forever. But even with his funding, how can he possibly stop civilians from rising up and taking action? How can he destroy their hope? He can destroy their Symbol of Peace…..

Now, where’s Knuckleduster???


There be spoilers below!

Chapter title: SKYCRAWLER RISING!!!! I am SO happy to see Koichi is still Koichi! Still saving people, still awkward, still struggling with public image. Bless his grit.

Pop is in a new city herself. Still recovering, still friends with Koichi. Not “together,” but in touch, and I love it.

Finally we see Knuckleduster, still kicking ass in the dark alleyways.

Yeah, we got a happy ending for our main 3, plus all the MHA characters we know and love (retiree Tanuma is there too). Knowing All Might is watching Koichi makes me feel warm and fuzzy.

My only complaint? There’s so little Shonen Jump fanfare!! I mean, I know they can be brutal about axing a series, but I didn’t get any email blast or anything about the finale. And Sakamoto Days gets the headline spot on the app. Hideyuki Furuhashi and Betten Court did fantastic work on Vigilantes and deserve to be celebrated for enriching the MHA world.

Like that Vigilantes took the final step in definitively proving that Koichi is the Spider-Man of the HeroAca Universe by having straining to lift up an aeroplane, saving the lives of everyone on board, and the press still cannot agree if he is a hero or a villain. Also he is in a huge amount of debt and mostly beloved by the working class people who hate the establishment.

Like yeah, that’s my boy right there! That’s my little man! I hope he’s doing his best out there in New York City and avoiding the shit show of mainline continuity

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Wanna see BNHA V in UA Uniforms?

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I just read all of this that I could find within a really short timeframe and I’m almost more excited for more of it than I am for season 3. 

Look, all I’m saying is that if this guy was real I would hope that he’d be proud of me. 

From the way All for One was talking about him…If Koichi went to U.A., would he have gotten in the top ten quickly like Hawks did?
