#koryu sentai zyuranger


Here’s how I would go about it. 


Part 1

- Jason Lee Scott, an EMT in Afghanistan, is attacked by Putty Patrollers. He investigates, realizes they’re not Putties but instead Golem Soldiers. He meets his counterpart Geki the TyrannoRanger.

- The two are overwhelmed by the forces of not one but two Rita Repulsas. Or rather, it was Rita Repulsa corrupted from being the Mystic Mother in Mystic Force and her Sentai counterpart, Bandora.

- The Evil Space Aliens and Bandora’s cohorts invade the earth and with their twin superpowers they’re able to make multiple monsters grow and attack different cities at the same time.

- Jason as the Red Ranger gets triple-teamed by a resurrected Lord Zedd, Rito Revolto, and Goldar but then gets the upper-hand when Tommy Oliver’s Green Ranger arrives, forcing them to withdraw when they destroyed Rito. The two also get into it as well but make up soon after.

- Geki and the Zyurangers holds off the invasion with his team and Daizyujin but the combined forces of two witches prove too much for even the Ultimate Combination Ultimate Daizyujin.

- Jason and Tommy gathers the team back. Zack Taylor is now a teacher at Angel Grove High. Trini Kwan-Taylor has passed away and Zack is now a widower, so they contact Aisha to fill in for her as the Yellow Ranger. Kimberly Hart is now a cop. Tommy Oliver is an MMA fighter and adventurer. Billy, who had settled in the Planet Aquitar, is the last one to arrive with his wife.


Part 2

- Bandora plays a trick on the two teams, making them switch coins. The Power Rangers use the Dino Bucklers to change and the Zyurangers do “It’s morphin’ time!” and manages to initially overwhelm the Bandora and Rita army.

- The Zyurangers and the Power Rangers exchange their powers to their rightful owners when they face off against multiple double monsters across both their series. They attack with the intention of defeating the monsters before Bandora and Rita could make them grow. However, the Putty Patrollers then grow into an army of both Z Putties, Golems, and Putties.

- This is when Rocky DeSantos, Tanya Sloan, Katherine Hillard, and Adam Park arrive using their Zeo powers… Adam as the Green Zeo Ranger and Rocky as the Blue Zeo Ranger… to help out even the odds, taking care of the multiple Golems and Putties while the Rangers and Sentai take care of a multitude of resurrected monsters. They’re further helped by Bulk and Skull, who ends up using their own (albeit weaker) ranger powers of Hog and Chicken.

- Tommy then faces off against Lord Zedd using his Master Morpher, turning him back to human form after using his multiple ranger forms consecutively but this results in the Master Morpher getting overloaded. He can only use his Power Coin now.

- The Zyurangers and the Power Rangers finish off the multiple monsters with the Blade Blaster/Ranger Stick, Babel Attack/Tower Formation Attack, and Power Blaster/Howling Cannon.


- They then summon the Megazord, Dragonzord, Daizyujin, and Dragon Caesar to take care of the remaining grown monsters, up until summoning twin Dino Ultrazord and Ultimate Combination Ultimate Daizyujin to take care of a giant Scorpino, Lamy, Goldar, Grifforzer, Cyclopsis (piloted by Rita’s son Thrax), and Dora Talos (piloted by the ghost of Bandora’s son Kai).

Part 3

- The zords and guardian beasts gets damaged but collapse right atop both the two witches, leading to a final battle in the wreckage of zords between the Zyurangers and Power Rangers versus Bandora and Rita Repulsa.

- Weakened by dealing with the combined army of aliens, the witches beat the sentai and rangers like drums with elemental attacks as they turn the wreckage into a strange world within their control. Just when it seems like all hope is lost, a voice cries out. It’s the ghost of Trini. In turn, the Zyurangers see the ghost of Burai the DragonRanger cheer them on.

- This allows both sentai and rangers to summon a powered-up version of their Power Blaster/Howling Cannon that uses the Dragon Dagger/Zyusouken as the bullet. They’re supported by the ghosts of the Yellow Ranger and the DragonRanger. It turns Rita back to Mystic Mother and weakens Bandora. Both rangers and sentai go back to their civilian forms.

- However, Bandora uses one last kamikaze attack at Geki, but Jason takes the bullet of the energy attack. This gives him a vision of the incoming threat of a resurrected Lord Drakken. The purified Rita, Mystic Mother, then banishes Bandora and her space aliens inside the dumpster then sending that to another dimension.

- Mystic Mother then thanks the Zyurangers for their help before sending them back to their own dimension before she herself disappears into the aether, warning the rangers of a great calamity ahead.
