
@earlgreymon replied to your photoset “Chosen children + social media ↳ It’s the quarantine edition!”
IS THAT HIKARI SAYING I LOVE YOU TO KOUSHIRO?? my koukari soul is shaking. thank you. i miss your digimon socmed au posts. stay safe! <3

that it is (how do you fingergun with emojis???) i honestly had no idea the koukari would resonate so much??? like it’s been my favorite koushiro ship for fucking ever (and it’s lowkey but very highkey a battle when it comes to hikari between koukari and takari for me) 
anyway thanks for liking it and appreciating my work <3 lots of love <3 


guess who got a little too excited and ended up making all the avatar for my digichildren headcanon.

in chronological order:

tsuyoshi yagami, taiora’s oldest son. i’ve mentioned that sora would never let him have the same bushy hair as taichi, and thankfully tsuyoshi hated the big hair because it’s itchy. still and all, he inherited the recklessness (and apparently the glutton) of his father⁠—but also his mother’s wisdom. i read a shoujo manga called meganee, tokidoki, yankee-kun and i couldn’t stop thinking about tsuyoshi every time i saw the male protag, ichikura-kun. AND YES HE USES GLASSES LATER ON, WHY NOT? perhaps uncle kou gave him too much video games and he literally glued himself in tv screen every time the soccer game is on.

tsubasa yagami, taiora’s 2nd son. no, he’s not the “goggle leader” of the group, but obsessed with the goggle ever since his father showed him. tsubasa said it makes him look like an explorer or a pilot⁠ (he wants to be either one someday). he loves going outside, observing nature⁠—birds, bees, flowers, you name it. also apparently they have a yellow t-shirt with PIYO written on it. what a chance.

reina ishida, the oldest child of mimato. the queen, just like her name. hot-headed, loud, but tsundere. a sweet tooth thanks to her mother’s amazing dishes, but also has a high tolerance on spicy food thanks to her father. has this model/k-pop star aura, but more into rock bands like scandal (it’s a japanese band, not that tv show…).

runa ishida, the middle child of mimato. actually i’m not fond of the hair but the picrew has a limited option. haven’t thought much about her, but she’s a sweet girl with a milder temper compared to her older sister. perhaps like princess kaguya because her name also means moon?

raiden ishida, the youngest child of mimato. the coolest among all the children. nuff said⁠—the genes don’t lie.

makoto kido, jyoumi’s only child. his clothes are always dandy thanks to the coolest momma ever. if there was a world where mimato and jyoumi could coexist together, i would say he has a crush on reina.

kouki takaishi, son of takari, twin brother of hinagiku. has this amiable charm that will make everyone (LITERALLY EVERYONE) loves him. hikari teaches him to play piano and he’s pretty good at it. naturally good at sport. still searching for his weakness…

hinagiku takaishi, daughter of takari, twin sister of kouki. twins don’t have to opt for a similar name, a'ight? little hina-chan’s favourite bedtime story is alice in wonderland. watching too many ghibli movies growing up. probably writes fanfiction about uncle taichi and uncle yama.

satoru izumi, eldest son of koukari. he’s more of a street smart rather than a book smart, so don’t think of him as a nerd. uncle taichi doted on him before tsuyoshi was born. he can play soccer, but he chooses baseball. very observant.

akari izumi, youngest daughter of koukari. she always thought the only similarity between her and her father was the hair, but that’s that. without her realising, she was actually pretty similar to koushiro; for example, in terms of getting petty over little details. avid tea drinker like her parents. highly competitive.
