#koushi sugawara

theheadlessgirl: Indulging in sudden and torrential DaiSuga feels. (Glorified Au from thehauntedboy


Indulging in sudden and torrential DaiSuga feels.
(Glorified Au from thehauntedboy
where young prince Suga is kidnapped by a ambiguously intentioned Daichi- knight of another kingdom.)

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i-like-to-look-at-your-back: Haikyuu!! Week Day 5 - Captain Actually my Day 3 picture suits it in 10i-like-to-look-at-your-back: Haikyuu!! Week Day 5 - Captain Actually my Day 3 picture suits it in 10


Haikyuu!! Week Day 5 - Captain

Actuallymy Day 3 picture suits it in 100% (should have read all the prompts beforehand). But I still wanted to draw Daichi. So here’s my untold story of chapter 125 - we all know it’s exactly what happened right after Daichi got punched in the gut, right? (¬‿¬)

Day 6 prompt is “combo” and I’m quite sure what I will draw. So not gonna surprise you with that. Or will I? (。・`ω´・。)

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jensuisdraws:so totallysharpeyed updates me with the updates of hq!pacific rim au masterpiece, andjensuisdraws:so totallysharpeyed updates me with the updates of hq!pacific rim au masterpiece, and


sototallysharpeyed updates me with the updates of hq!pacific rim au masterpiece, and today i visited her and drew this at her place and fought her PS to add the screentones and yay ola is super cool!!!!  anyway the last update of this ff left me shaking and um. um the daisuga was just too strong/smh sooo yeah also ghostdriftsexcoughs


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