#kristin crafts



hey pals, post concussive syndrome had led to me seriously contemplating opening an etsy shop for my bracelets ! (don’t worry, i’m fine, just marginally bored). these are a few of the bracelets i’ve made in the past week when i’ve had to limit my screen use to almost none.

lmk if you have any cool bracelet ideas or if you’d be interested in purchasing a bracelet!!!

i make my bracelets primarily from semi-precious stone beads, with glass and plastic beads as accents.

here we have:

pink: rose quartz & white jade

pink/red: rose quartz, morganite, amethyst, brown snowwflake obsidian

yellow/orange: citrine, red agate, and quartz

blue: lapis lazuli, larvikite, moonstone, sodalite, & turquoise
