
#Repost @zendem__ ・・・ I’m feeling called to begin a series of posts called ‘Kundalini Li

#Repost @zendem__
I’m feeling called to begin a series of posts called ‘Kundalini Living’. A collection of my writings, detailing the uncoiling of Shakti. There is no real order, plan or end goal but rather a feminine flow of whatever channels through in each moment. I hope to write a book one day about this awakening in service to help others navigate the serpent - so here is my first insight!

This journey has toppled me upside down and turned me inside out: swallowed up and spat out by the serpent. I’ve fallen into endless Dark Nights of the Soul and stepped well and truly into my shadow. As I approach 10 months into my awakening, I’ve been met with the harsh reality of resistance. A deep denial of my power, unwittingly refusing the Kundalini into my being: battling with channelling and suppressing the serpent with my feeble ego until I finally surrendered to the Shakti.

It was naïve to believe I could deny the life force of existence, to wander back into my sleepless state of mindless sessions and endless bottles. The armour that my ego had built was now bare, shattered and obliterated into the Ether. The party persona, the hiding and coping mechanisms stripped bare – leaving a vulnerable, traumatised four year old who was frozen inside my subconscious. Repressed tears flooded my being, rage, anger and shame surfaced from my cells. Tucked away somatically and hiding in the shadows: I welcomed her home.

Kundalini is an unveiling, a journey to illuminate the darkness, an evolution that holds no prisoners! It’s a quest back to Self, to wholeness, to our God-like-nature. It reconfigures the blueprint, unearthing and unbinding energy which does not serve the evolution of consciousness. Spiralling through the shadows and demystifying the denial – a pure embodiment of individuation.
Beautiful art @daniellenoel.art
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