#kuzuryuu keiichi




I am bored. Therefore, I will be answering any and all AiB related questions y'all send me.

aib characters and what they’d do if they found a kitten in the Borderlands (no violence towards the kitten allowed)

Hatter - Is immediately overjoyed. He names it Mori Jr. And raids those fancy pet stores to get it little clothes. The cat is immediately named number 2 at the beach and Hatter will often use his vote to get his way in meetings. ‘I hear you Kuzuryuu, allowing people to wear better shoes during games does sound smart, but Mori Jr. Thinks it’s a stupid idea, so we’re not doing that.’

Aguni - at first he makes a pathetic attempt at pretending he doesn’t like the cat, but after a day he’s carrying it to games in one of those kangoroo dad baby carriers.

Kuina - doesn’t want to get too attached to the cat, but ends up feeding it from time to time. It sleeps on her room whenever it wants and after hard games she finds comfort into snuggling in it.

Chishiya - him and the cat are now soul bonded. They have the same facial expressions. He cares about the cat more than he cares about most people. Carries it inside his hoodie.

Niragi - at first he tried to leave it alone and walk away, but the cat started following him and what was he supposed to do? Now he covers the cat’s ears with one hand whenever he shoots his gun and has trained it to scratch people’s faces.

Last Boss - he just saw the cat, snatched it up and kept walking. At first, people were scared he was going to hurt it, but he ended up being surprisingly sweet to it. He does this weird thing where he presses his forehead against the cat’s and claims they are communicating.

Arisu - at first, he was absolutely panicking. Like a dad with a newborn, he got a book on how to take care of the cat and everything. Mainly kept it in his room. One time, when he was feeling particularly down, the cat snuggled up to him and he cried on its fur.

Usagi - actually found the cat that Arisu had been taking care of. She walked in the room and it was asleep on top of Arisu’s face. At first she was like 'Arisu this is very impratical, we can’t keep it’ but when the cat layed on her lap she was done for. Co-parents it with Arisu. It helps that the cat hisses whenever someone other than them tries to get in the room.

Tatta - cried. He just gathered it in his arms and sobbed in its fur. He was afraid He wouldn’t be able to take care of it, so he gave it to ann. He does have visitation rights tho.

Ann - keeps it for company in her lab. She has to stop it from licking the dead bodies.

Asahi - squealed happily and brought it to Momoka. It kept them cheered up after all the hardships of being dealers. She kept it in the dealer room, much to the delight of the other dealers.

Mira - found it near the beach one timeand spun around holding it while cackling. Ended up keeping it as a weird mascot. Often left the cat decide what games people were gonna get by letting it swat a deck of cards.

Kuzuryuu - ended up taking care of Mira’s cat. He gave it tiny glasses. They are best friends.
