
undergroundkdrama: #KDRAMAWOMENSWEEK 2022 | March 1 — 8, 2022special thanks to @therukurals for maki


#KDRAMAWOMENSWEEK 2022 | March 1 — 8, 2022

special thanks to @therukurals for making the gif (insp.) and @melonatures for doing literally all the brainwork with prompts and write-up. thank you to a lot of the people that i’ve met on here who refuse to let me give up on this week - I appreciate you all a lot. maybe the real™ kdrama women’s week was the friends we made on the way.

[alternatively: a week and one day to talk about and make things for women you appreciate in celebration of International Women’s Month]

Day 1: All About ‘Romantic’ Love 

A romance between two women, either in the canon, in the subtext, or as a headcanon; or an actress or actresses you want to see in wlw drama.

Day 2: Competence Porn 

A character who is exceptionally good at what she does; a genius; a character who is never second-guessed or undermined in her story because everyone around her knows she’ll get the job done, and done well. Alternatively, tell me everything about your favourite female director / writer / lighting tech etc. working in kdramas. Why them? 

Day 3: I Just Think She’s Neat! 

Heroines or supporting characters who were hated on—either in fandom or in the show—for being frustrating, for getting in the way, for taking up time and space, for being confusing, or for simply not being convenient, inoffensive vessels for self-projection. Give them some grace, love, understanding—do they deserve it? Does anyone?

Day 4: Freaks & Geeks 

They wear funny clothes and don’t make friends easily. They’re late bloomers. Everything about them says they’re destined (doomed) for a makeover, but you don’t want them to have one. They stand out, and not in a good way. They may see the manifestation of human desire as jellies. Women who are losers and outsiders. 

Day 5: Can I Handle the Seasons of My Life?

Adult women and their relationships with their younger selves; or a woman who is grappling with aging or an age milestone, be it turning 20, 30, 40, or beyond; or woman who is having a coming-of-age later in life. 

Day 6: She’s a Runner, She’s a Track Star 

Characters who quit. They pathetically or euphorically pack it in. Bags are full and being taken home. They’re running from situations they can or can’t handle. Running from growth. Running from life. Running from love. “She’s a runner, she’s a track star. She gon’ run away when life gets hard” – and sometimes she’ll run even when it’s easy. 

Day 7: Character Actress

cha·rac·ter ac·tress
/ˈkerəktər/ /ˈaktrəs/

1. An actress who plays a distinctive and important supporting role.
2. The go-to actress for a specific character type.

An actress who always shows up in dramas to steal scenes, provide solid acting alongside greener actors, and play your favorite side characters; an actress who always plays supporting roles who you want to see in a lead role. 

Day 8: Home or Free Day

A character who creates a safe place for herself in the world; or a drama you return to again and again because you identify with or love the heroine’s story; or free day. 

Please also feel free to be inspired by the prompts from previous years (2015,2016,2017,2018,2019,2020,2020 Part Deux,2021).

Please tag your posts #kdramawomensweek and/or @undergroundkdrama so they are easier to find, admire, and reblog. 

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