#kyojuro rengou x reader


Kyojuro Rengoku Cowboy Headcanons

A/N: this is a crossover with the show Yellowstone

TW: Mention of riding accident and death, also branding


Kyojuro is very interested and wants to know about your family

You won’t tell him much about how your family works

He hasn’t yet seen the branding you have on your chest

He has no idea what a Buckle Bunny is yet until one wishes you good luck when your up first at a rodeo

  • Rengoku is astounded seeing you hold onto that bucking horse getting almost thrown off
  • But you held on and then got a belt buckle from it

You teach him how to ride a horse and give him his own hat

  • Changing him into more suitable attire for helping out on the farm
  • While he’s there

He has very standout boots that are red and yellow

How he finds out about the branding eventually

The two of you go to a cabin in the woods for one night

He has to go for a pee and sees another cowboy getting the Yellowstone branding

He comes back to the cabin putting together the pieces and he asks whether or not you have the branding

You tell him about what the branding is about and somehow he asks about your mother

You tell him she died when you were younger

  • He tells you that his died too
  • What he doesn’t know is that you were there with Jamie when your mother got hurt and died

Kyojuro tells you that he wants to join the ranch and become one of you

  • You won’t let him
  • He insists and you end up caving but still not letting him fully into the family business
  • Cause your family has been in and covered up many shady things
  • But he joins anyways to your annoyance

Senjuro comes to visit and wants to stay longer

  • So he stays for a few days
  • Even gets you to teach him how to ride
  • Kyojuro asks you if Senjuro can stay with the two of you for longer at one time since he’s not the biggest fan of Senjuro staying with Shinjuro all the time
  • Your a little uneasy about Senjuro staying at the ranch because of the things you have to deal with
  • But you know that it would be better for Senjuro to stay with the two of you
  • On one condition that Senjuro helps out with some duties to make a little bit of spending money and help you out

Kyojuro Loves the games the other boys play in the bunk house

  • Sometimes you join them
  • In poker or one of their crazy drinking games

Kyojuro Rengoku Summer Headcanons


Series Masterlist

Kyojuro is the CEO of Summer Barbecues with Ribs, Burgers, Hot Dogs and anything else on the bbq

  • (I put European foods because I’m not very versed in Japanese food and culture)
  • He definitely uses charcoal bbq on special occasions

Senjuro and him love having campfires

  • They cook Sweet Potatoes all the time with tinfoil
  • Hot Dogs and toasted Marshmallows

Has a lake with a floating dock

Definitely let Senjuro have a beer at 14 at one of the fires they had

  • When you weren’t looking of course

Working out in the summer heat with you if you work out that is

Summer is awesome because Senjuro and him both have the summer off at the same time

  • So Senjuro comes to visit him and stays with him for part of the summer

DRIVE IN Movies for sure if you have one nearby

  • (I actually have a drive in near me)
  • Rengoku has a huge big red Ford to go to see drive in movies

Kyojuro and you invite over Mitsuri for dinner and Senjuro likes talking with her and plays Monopoly with her

Shinjuro even comes over for dinner once in a while

  • (Let’s make everything happy, which means that he isn’t a dick)

Sanemi, Tengen, and Rengoku compete in who mows their lawn better

  • And who can mow the longest
  • And how many they can do it for

Both Kyojuro and Tengen wear Cowboy hats while they do hard labor like fixing stuff or renovating the deck in the summer

  • So does Senjuro