#kyoshi warrior



pick your fighter!
the person you pick will protect you
against everyone else.

please don’t repost on other social media

art by - @chiptrillino


Goth Gaang full body

Apparel - Threadless/carooliveira

Prints - INPrnt/carooliveira

❇ High Resolution image + psd - Patreon/carooliveira

⛾ Get digital files on Gumroad/carooliveira


pick your fighter!
the person you pick will protect you
against everyone else.

please don’t repost on other social media

art by - @chiptrillino


Happy International Women’s Day everyone here’s a wip of a Suki drawing that I was working on for th

Happy International Women’s Day everyone here’s a wip of a Suki drawing that I was working on for the occasion before life got in the way. Hoping to have it finished soon because she’s kind of one of my favorite characters in the avatar universe and yet I’ve never drawn her for some reason. 

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