#kyoutani x reader


kinktober day 3: kyoutani kentaro + incest/step-cest

cw. nsfw, mdni, f!reader, step-cest [step brother kyoutani], masturbation, fingering, vaginal penetration, degradation


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maybe it was bad to think about him this way, but before you could stop and think about the satirity of it all, your hands are already slipping into your panties. another night, another lewd thought of your step brother.

except this time you’re ignorant to the eyes that peek through the gap in the door.

“you really thought, all these nights, you were being quiet?” no. you thought you were being quiet enough, there’s no denying that soft moans would occasionally slip out of your mouth, but you didn’t think anyone heard.

now, you’re sure anyone could hear you, even through the thick walls of your room. thank god your parents are out for vacation, it would be so shameful to hear how their daughter gets fingered by her step brother.

“fuck, stop” you moan, crying against him as you grab his wrist and try to pull him away from you.

“you don’t like it?” he scoffs and laughs at you. “this hole down here says something else” it’s true, you’re practically dripping like a faucet around his fingers.

“i like it, f-feels so good” you can barely get out the right words when his fingers purposefully press against that special spot inside your walls, just enough to make you stutter and trip over your words. “but… i want m-more- mhhh!”

“more? i’m already fucking you with my fingers, isn’t that enough for you, filthy whore?” he asks in a condescending tone, his warm breath shuddering against your neck, making you tremble in anticipation, because you know despite all the teasing he wants the same thing you do, and won’t take long to fall into his desire.

“you’re so dirty, you’re not even satisfied with my fingers, you want your big brother to fuck you with his cock, make you feel so full, ‘s that what you want?” even if he’s not really your big brother, the title still makes your pussy flutter around his fingers. “you really like that?” it’s almost maddening how he effortlessly leaves you a mess beside him when he pulls out his fingers and uses them to slide down his sweatpants, revealing his hard cock.

“turn around” you quickly do what he said, too excited to tell him otherwise. you’ve already had a small taste of what his fingers can do, it’s only natural you’re eager for him to use his cock. you’re laying on your side, his chest pressed against your back and one of his hands keeping balance with your body while his other hand guides his cock into your cunt.

“you’re so filthy” he says, slowly sinking into you while his fingers tighten around your hips and your needy hole drips down your thighs and onto the sheets beneath you.

“i’m not the only one,” you say, catching him off guard. he wasn’t expecting to hear anything from you when you were panting and drooling into the pillow a second ago. “you’re just as filthy as me, bet you were waiting for them to leave just so you could fuck me”

his nails dig into the skin beneath, so much it almost draws blood, so instead he moves it to the back of your thigh. there, he spreads your legs open, giving him better access to start moving into you. his other hand slips around your throat and chokes you, making it so hard to breath when you most needed to.

“what about you?” he asks, his thrusts knock the air out of your lungs, and his hand makes it so hard to get it back. “at least i waited, but you? you didn’t even wait until they were gone, you would touch yourself… while they were sleeping downstairs, and you still have the courage to talk back” you start to regret ever saying anything, you should’ve just kept quiet and maybe he wouldn’t be so hard on you. “don’t worry, i’ll teach you some manners”.


featuring ; (timeskip !)atsumu miya, kageyama tobio, ushijima wakatoshi, and kyoutani kentarou

warnings ; insecurity ? cute husbands

notes ; i finally got around to answering some asks ! more are to come, but for now i hope this’ll serve as some form of compensation ( _ _|| ). thank you for your kind words as well ^^

ATSUMU rocked the crib quietly, you were leaning on the doorway, eyes hardly cracking open with fatigue. he’d insisted that he’d go check on her when she began crying for the fifth night in a row, aware of just how exhausted you were. he held a soft smile on his face despite the tired eyes that watched, about to reach forward to hold the baby to his chest. he glanced at his hands skeptically, brows furrowing. “darlin’ i don’t know if i should hold her, i mean, my hands are so rough. i don’t wanna hurt her.” he sighed, slumping sadly. “you’re talking about your hands?” you waddled forward, smaller hands holding onto his to bring them against your cheek. “you won’t hurt her, and your hands are soft and warm. she’ll love them just as much as i do.” giggling softly at his reddened cheeks in fluster. “alrighty then.” he scooped her up ever so carefully, lifting her to his face while her tiny hands held his face just as yours had done many times before. “hey beautiful, your daddy loves you more than anything y’know.”

KAGEYAMA brought his little girl to the gymnasium with him early so they could play around and get used to the “feel” as tobio exclaimed with easily noticeable excitement.. that idea in mind, he’d spent what felt to be hours teaching the mini to set a ball( it was makeshift in the end ). “yes !” he jumped into the air happily, she’d finally managed to lift the ball a small portion into the air with her tiny fingers. he was beaming with pride. “c’mere ! you did so good !” he bounced around, stalling to drop to a crouch when ushering his daughter to him. yet once she arrived closer, he hesitated. he had calloused bruising at his hands for almost every finger. and the look she gave him when he didn’t airplane her( what she called it when he spun her around in the air ) broke his heart to pieces. “why no airplane daddy ?” he tilted her head comically, to which he leaned back on his heels in dismay. “mm .. daddy’s hands aren’t comfy babydoll, you wouldn’t want them on your pretty face.” she stomped her foot with a loud huff. “but i love daddy ! and airplane ! der ( there ) is nofing ( nothing ) wrong wif ( with ) your hands !” she forcefully grabbed his wrist, smiling with her missing tooth on display. so stinkin’ cute, how could he resist.

USHIJIMA had always been taken as a harsh person. maybe it was his demeanor that appeared cold and calculating that left people with that impression. or his constant drive to work harder, push harder. but to your little boy, he was nothing but a gentle giant. a teddy bear to put it perfectly. the littlest things he’d do, or the way he’d look at him. oh the way he’d look at him. the sweetest thing ever i swear. he’d offer kind reminders to wash his hands and greet others respectfully. now his son munched away at the dishes scattered on the table. although the thought of wakatoshi’s strength just registered to him as he sat. how easily he could hurt him. it scared the ace thoroughly. that pit of worry bursting into a vivacious cherry. so when he noticed the grain of rice clinging to his boy’s cheek. he withheld his urge to wipe it away. “so unlike you toshi.” you hummed, using a napkin to rid of the messy eater’s evidence. “i didn’t want to be to aggressive with him, i’m easily capable of hurting him.” he fiddled nervously. “exactly, but you’re not ever like that for either of us. believe in yourself, you’re our volleyball player after all.” you were silenced with a honeyed kiss. “now that was aggressive.” — “thank you for this .. for everything.” he placed his forehead against yours. “i mean it.”

KYOUTANI moped on the chair outside of the pediatricians office, absolutely ruined from his baby girls cries after receiving her yearly injections. it was killing him. his moping was alerted when he heard your voice say “all done !” and knew just how screwed he was. if it was this hard already to keep himself from loosing it from guilt he was certain he couldn’t take it when he saw his angels face, all tear-stained and sad. the idea was spot on. you placed her to your breast, bouncing her while filling out the paper work. meanwhile, his dainty darling was still crying her lungs out. not over the ordeal apparently. “ken, can you hold her while i write this down ?” he hit his lip, thinking over the phrase. “she’ll probably get even more alarmed if she sees me, and i’m too harsh with her, i don’t want to scare her anymore than she’s already is.” he growled, voice low. “daddy!” interrupted your reply before she was clenching her fist repeatedly in his direction to be held. “ken, she wants you, it’s okay.” you assured, your muscular husband complying as he held her to his chest, shushing her cries. “shhh it’s okay i’ve got you.” he caressed her dampened cheeks, the nurses echoing an ‘aww’ from behind the counter. kyoutani couldn’t have been moreembarrassed.


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                                      For Kinktober 2021!


Featuring: Kyotani Kentarou 

Kinks: Oral fixation

mouth fingering, gagging, and oral (m! Receiving), Characters aged up, MINORS DNI.



This was your heaven.

Your legs tucked under you as the hardwood floor began to bruise the flesh of your knees and shins. Tucked in between Kyo’s wide spread legs looking up at him with fluttery eyes as he responded to your gaze with a hard stare, lips parted softly. His fingers stuffed to the first knuckle in your mouth as he pressed them against your tongue, forcing your jaw down.

Saliva began to run down his hand and your neck as you stayed still, not daring to swallow. This is how he liked you too, so obedient before him and making a mess of yourself in hopes that if you did everything right then he’ll give you more. For the tough guy he was, he was quick to spoil you as he shoved his two fingers further in your mouth. Down to the second knuckle and your eyes fluttered closed, pussy growing wet.

“Go ahead.” He didn’t have to elaborate, you two have been through this before, you happily closed your mouth around his fingers. Humming lewdly, as you sucked on them, hot tongue slithering around his digits. You lather them up with spit before lightly grazing your teeth on the skin, slowly nibbling before he grabs your chin roughly.

Your eyes open slowly, wanting to watch the show, as he begins to shove his fingers roughly in your mouth making you gag. He loved it. Loved how you allowed him to grip your face roughly, shove his lengthy and thick fingers as far as he could in your hot mouth. Your tongue soft against his touch as he retracted them, rubbing the spit on your mouth and cheeks, some falling onto your heaving chest. He was always so concentrated when doing it too, which is why you always kept your eyes open, swooning over the way his breaths came out in slow puffs as his lips stayed parted.

“Can I-?” You would eventually say flicking your eyes up at him then down at his straining cock. He licks his lips and hums gruffly, grabbing your head and pushing it in his lap. You can smell how aroused he is, sticking your face further in his lap as you cup his bulging tip within your mouth through his tight boxers.  

The way you worship whatever he puts into your mouth makes his body hot with anticipation and need but he, just for a few moments, allows you this much. Allows you to kiss and lick him through the fabric as long as you want even if it’s teasing the fuck out of him, panting increasing, as you squeeze your legs together feverishly. Making sure he doesn’t rush you through this.

He lets out a low, barely audible moan when you finally pull his underwear down, his hard cock slapping his skin before you grab it. It’s hot in your hands, sticky with precum, and you drool as you quickly pop it into your mouth. You moan hard, it’s your fav when you just put it in and it’s pulsating so hard that your tongue can’t help but have a field day.


Kyoutani Kentarou loves like a lake on a summer day.

Love was never something he wanted or sought after. Crushes were just something he didn’t get. His teammates seemed to always be talking about sex and relationships, and while he’d make the occasional mental note on someone’s attractiveness, he wasn’t at all interested in dividing up his time for someone else. Whether he would find love or not, whatever. Even after high school and he’d let himself be flirted with at parties and bars, partaking in one night stands and a short-lived first attempt at monogamy, he never worried about it.

Perhaps, he should have.

That’s what he thinks when he first meets you, a friend of Hanamaki and Matsukawa’s who is entirely too good for him. Too pretty. Too interesting. Too charming - something about you screaming that you are not in short of love or any stranger to it. Even if he were good with words, he wouldn’t know what to say to you, so he doesn’t say much at all. Though it doesn’t stop you from becoming his 219th Instagram follower in the proceeding days.

He doesn’t know if he should be thankful or frightened that you can tell he’s intrigued by you from the lack of feedback he gives you. It’s more than confidence, and less than greed - something that beckons him that seems solid and tangible, yet if he were to try and hold it in his hands, he can’t. And it unnerves him.

So you meet him 99 percent of the way, not pushing or pulling, not threatening to walk the other way, just waiting for him to take the final step. He’s not sure what he ever did to deserve such favored treatment, and surely you will be disappointed when you find out that you laid out all your cards just for him, but he saysfuck it,’ and though he tells himself it’s no big deal if it doesn’t work out, he hopes by some miracle that it will.

Turns out he never needed a miracle, he just needed you. From the day Kentarou decided to let you in, not a day goes by without him needing you - needing to feel you in his bed, needing you to eat a meal with him, needing to show you a picture of a dog he saw on his daily run. He wonders why he was so hesitant to know you like this. You fit so perfectly - against his side when you sleep, and in his life.

If Kentarou had known love was like this, he would have wanted it all along. All he had ever known was his parents fighting, Yahaba constantly getting nagged at by some girl in high school, and Koganegawa complaining about getting ghosted, again. What makes you so different? What makes what he has with you so different?

The more he tries to pin down the answer, the more of you he sees, and the deeper he falls. He notices that your love seems to overflow, with him, with your friends, with the animals you encounter to the bugs on the ground, from your eyes, from your lips and fingertips, onto pages and into songs. Even when you’re mad at him, you curl right up against his chest and cling to him as you pout, forcing him to wrap his strong arms around you and apologize, because really, what else can he do?

“Never thought you’d be the one to give a dating pep talk. You’re nicer than I thought,” Tsukishima says all too honestly with his usual provoking tone one day at practice, right after Kentarou had convinced Koganegawa that his most recent Tinder failure was the best thing to ever happen to him. Though his advice was rough and blunt, the giant setter found meaning in comfort in his words and thanked him.

Despite his bespectacled teammate’s prodding, he finds himself not irritated, but in agreement. When did he become so sympathetic? He wonders for the last few hours of practice. He wonders on the train ride home. He wonders all the way up until moment he opens the front door to your shared apartment, and sees you turn your head from your spot on the couch, your face illuminating at the sight of him as you scramble to get up to greet him by flinging your arms around him before he can even get out the first syllable of ’tadaima.’

Ah, yes.

Your love is like the ceaseless, unabating energy of the sun, generating and radiating from every aspect of your being whether or not there’s anything to consume your spirit. It spawns beauty like blooms on the flora and provides comfort to even those considered cold of blood. It’s something he could never even dare to emulate, but oddly, Kyoutani Kentarou loves like a lake on a summer day, absorbing the most of your light before reflecting the rest onto those who find refreshment in and around his surface - all around a little warmer and more inviting under your phosphorescence.



summer loving

k. kentarou x f!reader

cws: f!reader, friends to lovers, mutual pining, college au, semi public/public sex, vaginal sex (w no prep jsfohdsio), unprotected sex, getting together

wc: 5.3k+

note - hi hello welcome to my entry for the @hanayanetworksummer collab <33 i couldnt resist tan kyou so here he is being a hopeless romantic and reader simping :o) (ps happy fathers day to my daddy kyoutani <33 )

this can also be found on my ao3 <33

Every year in mid June or early July depending on schedules, some of the Aoba Johsai volleyball team (plus you, the closest thing to a manager they’ve ever had) meet at a lake house on what must be the prettiest lake you’ve ever seen. 

It’s been a tradition for years now—you’ve gone five years in a row, the upperclassmen six. And each and every time all of you take hundreds of pictures, have at least one fire, drink and/or smoke to your heart’s content and make memories that none of you will ever forget. 

The fact rings true even today—this group of men is and forever will be the best friends you’ve ever had. Nobody else has ever been so steadfast, so sturdy and caring as them. You’ll forever be grateful to them for the way they’ve always been there when you needed someone most. 

Even despite how Makki and Mattsun are menaces when they’re together, Tooru is still whiny and dramatic, and Hajime is still endearingly irritable—you still enjoy the time you spend with them; playing truth or dare, telling each other things that you’d never tell any other person, and taking pictures that fill your phone’s camera roll until you get around to having them printed and put in a photo album that’s getting a little too full to add any more to.

But every year the trip is always difficult from the beginning—because you were, still are, and probably will be for a long time, in love with one Kyoutani Kentarou, once (not so lovingly) known as ‘Mad Dog’. 

Keep reading
