#kyungsoo fluff



Synopsis: You are a ballerina playing the female-lead in “Macbeth”, a production which Kyungsoo is financing. A peek at his profile and something changes inside you. What dance is your story going to move in?

Genre: fluff, slight smut

Characters: Kyungsoo x Reader

Author’s Note: Jesus H. Christ! This is so long and took so much time. I have written it from both Kyungsoo’s and the reader’s perspective. Send me your feedback in the inbox! Third and final installment coming real soon(really!). Also does anyone know how to create links to previous posts??


The second act of the play had started. You were predominantly the main character of Act-II as Lady Macbeth’s  descension to insanity and finally to her suicide were critical moments in the story. You were fidgeting and your stomach was in knots. Your fidgety condition had nothing to with the performance. You were well prepared. You always were. It had more to do with the man you had just stared at. Mystery Financier. If anything, was wrong with you right now, it was because of him. How could someone whom you had just seen for the first time in your life, cause so many reactions in your body. The right word for this kind of situation in any novel(oh, you read those by the dozen) would have been flustered but you weren’t flustered. You were wet. Like the I-want-to-be-wrecked-by-that-man-in-a-room kinda wrecked. Your pent-up emotions were playing up and you were freaking out. This wasn’t the time to think about sex of all things on earth. You were the female-freaking-lead in a production which may or may not be financed by this man and would bring a lot of embarrassment if he finally decided against the idea. You had to focus. Taking deep breaths you took your place behind the curtain. Stilling your mind, you decided to focus on a point as soon as the curtain went up. You found your point but it was just too much for your concentration. It was his forehead, the damn pale, snow-like forehead with it’s carefully gelled back chestnut hair. You decided that was the best way to tackle your emotions : to face the problem head on. You stared at his forehead for the entire duration of your act with your eyes blurring slightly when the suicide scene came up. The emotions of Lady Macbeth were coursing through your body. It was sending tingles down your spine and tearing your heart apart. Whenever you had danced her part in practice you could feel a black hand usurping your heart and consuming you in it’s maddening thirst for blood. You could almost feel like an insane human in her character. Maybe you even thrived on that feeling which is why you wanted to play her part like your life depended on you. It must have translated in your dance because Mystery Financier smiled a bit when the act ended. 


As the curtain fell after the final act, there was a single sound of applause from the Mystery Financier. He was happy. Hope bloomed in your chest like a small child who had just been promised candy after his first recital. You stood with the rest of the crew, anticipation making your stomach tighter. You couldn’t breathe,you were that tensed in that moment. The Financier talked with the director who was nodding his head solemnly at everything he said. Finally they seemed to finish their conversation. The director moved towards the stage and cleared his throat, “Before any announcements,I would like to introduce you to Mr. D.O. Kyungsoo. He is the chairman of D.O. Enterprises which had shown their interest in funding us. Mr.Kyungsoo was very impressed by the coordination and effort put up by the team and has agreed to fund the production”. Total silence followed the statement and then there was burst of celebration. The crazy practice sessions had paid off. Everyone was jumping and hugging each other. I stood there tears of happiness glistening in my eyes. But I didn’t allow them to fall. Emotions were meant to be felt not shown all the time, my father always said. So I stood there with a smile plastered on my face and blurred vision which didn’t allow me to see anything at all. All the members of the crew started to disperse after the practice timings were repeated and dates for dress fittings and rehearsal were finalised. Macbeth was going to come alive on stage. I took a shower, changed and packed my things to leave. I could finally sleep in peace today. I walked in a brisk pace, a sense of contentment coursing through my body when I heard my name being called. I turned around. It was him. Kyungsoo,with his gelled chestnut hair and pale snow skin. I stood there unsure of what to do. We had had no interaction except for the staring contest that I had wholly participated in during the rehearsal. Also he was technically my boss’s boss. So I just stood there after an awkward greeting. “Good Evening sir” I whispered softly, clutching my bag tightly.

“Don’t call me sir. I am not that old” he said, his voice a soft silken whisper. I looked at him, a bit disconcerted at being corrected. What was he doing here? Why was he talking to me? Did my staring cause such a reaction? I was already regretting it. I stood there, a blank expression camouflaged the anxiety I felt talking to him. The fatigue and exhaustion were catching up with me and Kyungsoo’s wayward talk was making me anxious, not because he intimidated me but because I was scared I might lash out at him in irritation. 


I looked at her, a little surprised. Usually women just started blushing and fawning around me. I was so used to that behavior that her indifference took  me by surprise. She seemed to controlling her temper. I could tell that because of the way her eyes looked tired, the way she stood there, anxiety radiating from her skin. Her skin. That was a completely different issue. I wonder what it would feel like when I run my fingers across her bare back, her hands tied by one of my ties. Get a grip of your thoughts Kyungsoo, I chided myself. Coming out of my errant thoughts I looked back at her and said “ We have met before” I said my voice a soft whisper. She made me feel some kind of primal instinct which made me feel like conquering her and protecting her both at the same time. 

Her eyes were little crinkled in confusion. She was trying to place me somewhere in her memory. “ We met at the business conference where your father was awarded for his exemplary contribution to business” I said, helping her in her search. She had the indifferent look again. Business did not seem to interest her and people involved in the same even less. “I am sorry, I couldn’t recollect” she said, an exhausted look of formality taking over. I smiled at her.

“ You seem tired” I said softly, words leaving me even before I could stop myself. I looked at her, a little surprised at my slip but she looked at me, her eyes wide too. “ I had a long month” she said, finally breaking the wall of formality a little. I grabbed the opportunity with both hands. “Why not we go out for dinner and then I could drop you home? There is a small restaurant around the corner which sells homemade Italian food. It’s pretty good too” I said a little excited and scared both at the same time. 


I looked at him, a little taken back. Kyungsoo was fairly very forthright for someone who seemed so calm and reserved. Moreover, he had been pretty smooth about the dinner thing too. It was like killing two birds with one stone. By asking me out to small restaurant, he  managed to take me on a date and get my address too, something I wouldn’t have told otherwise(not that he couldn’t find out himself. I mean all top businessmen had private detectives for these jobs only). I looked at him for a full minute before making up my mind. It was late, I was tired and hungry and hadn’t had company, a male one at that for a long time. One dinner won’t do anything. “Okay” I replied a tired smile finally gracing my face. Kyungsoo looked at me, dumbfounded for a minute, before he smiled a shy smirk and beckoned me towards his car. I tagged along,happy to finally have dinner. Kyungsoo dismissed his driver and took the keys of the car to drive himself. I sat in the passenger seat next to him, suddenly aware that I was alone with a man I knew only fleetingly. My nerves suddenly flared up like tabasco sauce in pizza. I peered at him from the corner of my eye,drinking the sight of this flawless man beside me. He had a trail of freckles around his neck, a random sprinkling at that which made it so much more unbearable. What would it feel to peck that neck with butterfly kisses? Or even leave a soft sublimely kiss on that sharp but soft jaw? I looked away immediately, embarrassed at the innocuous thoughts in my mind. Kyungsoo revved up his engine and started the car. “Symphony” by Clean Bandit flowed through the car and even though I was tired I couldn’t stop myself from lipsyncing to the song. I sang along unaware that Kyungsoo was staring at me. At the end of the song I peered again at Kyungsoo hoping to get glimpse of his face this time. He was looking at me and I turned away embarrassed at being caught red handed. He smiled at my obvious embarrassment but didn’t push the topic.Thankfully for me we reached the restaurant soon. Kyungsoo was right.It was cozy. It was a quaint and quirky restaurant with checker prints and funky wallpaper and oooh the art. Abstract artwork hung around the place. It was cool. An understated col. Just like Kyungsoo. We sat down and he ordered for the both of us. After I had given the waiter my specific instructions(I can’t become fat before my performance. I am the goddamn female lead!), I turned back and became comfortable in my seat. Kyungsoo smiled a sweet lazy smile. “You love what you do, don’t you?”he said simply. “I do” I said, my tired state making me uncharacteristically open about myself to this man. We sat in that comfortable lull neither saying anything, the silence engulfing us in its warmth. I don’t know when it happened but I must have dozed off because one minute I was staring at Kyungsoo’s side profile and the next moment I felt Kyungsoo’s big warm hand gently nudging me awake. I looked up at him, tired and too sleepy to talk. “Food is served” the waiter had just pronounced before he set up our plates before us. I rubbed my eyes a bit and stretched my hands above my head. Kyungsoo looked at me, a blank expression on his face.I was past caring right now. The man in front of me had made all of us live a frantic life for the past 1 month. I did not care about etiquette anymore. Etiquette be damned. I flexed the fingers of my numb right hand, bringing circulation to normal and then looked up at Kyungsoo with a sweet smile and chirped “Bon Apetit!”. Kyungsoo looked at me for a whole minute before he smiled a huge a smile. Dear lord, oh dear lord. Now we are in trouble. He looked the cutest even when all his 32 teeth were seen. This was downright unfair. My mind was raving about all these random thoughts when Kyungsoo suddenly said “My penne is better than your spaghetti. You could try in case you have a doubt”. I looked at him, taken off guard by this but my inner competitive animal came out before I could stop “I cook better than any pasta you have eaten”. 


I looked at her. This girl. I couldn’t finger out what but it was something to do with the newness of her that had me weak in my knees. I liked her so much. She wasn’t balked down by me.On the contrary, she didn’t give a damn at all. She was so secure and detached that to make her feel something for me was all that I wanted. I looked at her, my eyebrows quirked. Maybe taking Y/N today when her vulnerability was at an all time peak was the best decision. I could actually talk to a person not an etiquette driven puppet. I then grabbed the chance before she had anytime to backtrack “Maybe you could cook for me the next time we meet”. I was getting bolder, her uncharacteristic replies making me heady. God,I wanted to smell her hair, her skin and drink her like wine,like a man too dazed to stand straight. She looked at me from her food and replied back “Everything after the show. I am not becoming fat before that”. I looked at her wide-eyed. She was okay with me,she had actually said yes to my proposition. “So our next date is ten days from today?” I asked, fingers crossed, unsure of her reply. She looked at me “Yes,you can come over after the show”. I looked at her, a bit dazed. This girl is going to be the death of me, my heart thought. I smiled at her softly as she ate. It would be an experience with her, her cooking, her shy glances, her lip-syncing, her tired smiles, her love for ballet. Everything would be an experience with her. And maybe I might sink in the process or I might sail, maybe me and Y/N might stay together forever or part ways painfully but right now at this moment I wanted to be with her and live every moment with her, listen to claims and sorrows and share her happiness and sadness. At this moment, I wanted to remain here in this cozy room where I had watched her sleep off and watched her wake up too. 

I hope to keep this in my memory forevermore. 


A/N: This is my first attempt at Kyungsoo fluff or any story for that matter. Send me your opinions on it if you read it.

Genre: Fluff

Characters: Kyungsoo x Reader


You looked out of the balcony. It was 5:30 in the morning and the sun was about to rise in three minutes. You always loved sunrises and sunsets. They somehow gave you a feeling of hope ,of better days and better memories in your bad times. Being a ballerina,you were pretty poetic by nature in such things. Also due to your hectic schedule, you never got your “me”- time literally. Your life was just about waking up,getting dressed, going for 12 hour practices, coming back home, ordering takeout (freaking salads on top of that. No oily food at all) and going to bed. You practically didn’t have a life apart from ballet. That’s why you loved sunrises and sunsets. It was that time of the day when you could sit quietly in peace with the world around you with no interruption or turbulence in your environment. At that moment you were in sync with the world. A perfect harmony,a perfect melody that plays in your heart and remains your own secret song.

In fact you wanted to die while looking at a sunset followed by a sunrise. As the first ray of sunlight hit the world , you wanted to sing that lullaby your mother sang to you when you were a kid and then as the sun came out, pink and orangish like a shy maiden getting from her bed on the day of her marriage, you wanted to smile and close your eyes forever. It would be the perfect end to your life.

Lately death had been a lot on your mind. It had started when your production company decided to do an adaptation of Macbeth. The gore,blood and death had been a bit nauseating at first. Fifteen out of the forty five dancers had backed out after first two days of practice. Being an artist yourself, you understood that some people were more emotionally fragile than others and would thus naturally feel the emotions for an act more deeply than others. You, on the contrary, had survived because the subject of death and gore had fascinated you more than it scared you. You weren’t mentally ill but you definitely hadn’t ever talked or explored this kind of stuff. At home,your life had been one big pink fluff. Your mother had left your dad but had managed to get half his wealth in alimony. This money had managed to pass you through school and had let you pursue ballet at Harvard. Your mother was a former ballerina, a bitter one at that, who  had left at the peak of her career in order to get married to a rich business tycoon. The marriage had been a blissful one but your mother had been bitter from the start. Ballerinas who had been her minions before, rose to fame and it didn’t help the fact that every show that year in which your mother was supposed to perform, was sold out with her competitors outperforming and outshining her. Your mother could never handle the grief at the loss of all that fame. She was remembered as the next-big thing in ballet but with time she was completely forgotten. Bitterness turned to grudges and grudges turned to fights. The press had a field day when your mother threw cake at the successful competitor in a party hosted by your father. The video clip was replayed the whole week and your father had to publicly print an apology letter which was put up on the front page of a national daily. 

After this, life spiraled downwards and your childhood was hazy blur of courtrooms, divorce papers and custody battles. Your mother always kept a tight clutch on your weekly meetings with your father and after fourth grade she sent you away to boarding school. You never met your father after that. Only once did you see him and that was on your graduation day. Your mother never came. She was always too busy with her string of rich men whom she dated in rotation. You had no feelings for your mother except for disgust and you stayed away from her as much as possible. Your father, on the contrary, had personally come to your graduation ceremony that day and you had been so happy, you had literally danced your way to the stage to get your diploma. He had smiled a strained smile and had hugged you afterwards. You were happy. From then on you had been in constant touch with your father through e-mails on a separate tablet that he had given you in-case your mother decided to trace your phone. 

Life, from then on, had reached some semblance of normalcy and even though it was a crooked normalcy, you were ok with it. That’s why things like blood and gore fascinated you. You weren’t affected by your immediate environment as much others were. Having lived a life where your parents had been the front page of every tabloid for three years straight, you were pretty much unaffected by things like these. Sometimes this did not help. In most of your previous relationships, your boyfriends had dumped you because you were too detached according to them. Even when they dumped you, it didn’t hurt so much. It would take exactly three days to get back to normal and by the end of the week you would have forgotten completely about them. This, though, did not stop you from feeling lonely. You had urges from time to time. Sexual  urges in fact. You wanted to be wrecked by someone whose touch would put your whole body on fire. You wanted their fingers to lace through your body from your chest to you abdomen and you wanted to literally see the explosion of stars that so many novels talked about. 

None of relationships had ever gone past the two months of courtship which had in turn never led to you having sex with anyone of your boyfriends. Maybe all the pent-up frustration originated from that, you thought. You went with your life and dance. Macbeth was hard and your production head had been going crazy lately. If the rumors were true then it seemed that the mystery financier who had insisted on this project wanted to see a complete rehearsal before the actual show. He had set the date exactly a week from today and had informed about it the last minute. Apparently he was some big man in the business circles so his demands and whims had to be met without questions. He had given the ultimatum to pull out if the rehearsal wasn’t satisfactory. The hours of practice became rigorous. Tears, blood, sweat, anxiety, trauma, depression- these had become the common emotions in your practice room. It was as though a sudden cloud had hidden the warm sun. You were barely managing through it all, your life was a blur of practice, breakfast and sleep. You hadn’t eaten a proper dinner for around two weeks because you were too exhausted to even order takeout these days. And playing the female lead, Lady Macbeth did not help.

Finally the day of the rehearsal came. You had woken up earlier that day at around three in the morning. The tension, the knots in your stomach were too tight and you had literally forced yourself to eat the porridge that morning. Knowing very well that rehearsals could take all day, you had packed yourself an egg roll and a flask of orange juice just in case it got too late. When you reached there, your fellow dancers were already there. They were as nervous as you were. Today the mystery financier was finally coming to see this rehearsal.The anticipation was palpable, you could almost touch it if not breathe it. 

The rehearsal started. The lights on the stage did  not allow you to see anyone who sat as an audience to watch the rehearsal which meant that the mystery financier was still elusive. Somehow this sent your stomach into further knots. You were uneasy suddenly.

When the curtain fell after the first act, you peered from behind the curtain and searched for the financier. Sitting in the auditorium was a man, just a little older than you with brown hair and plump lips. His skin was pearly white just like the snow and he reminded you of the sun which rises between two snow capped mountains. From this distance you couldn’t make out the color of his eyes. They looked jet black, the color of charcoal. You stared absent-mindedly at him,musing over the fact that this man could cause so much hysteria and anxiety in a group of over forty people. Just then he turned around and your eyes locked. Suddenly he was staring right back at you. At first you didn’t realize this but a few seconds later something clunked and you jolted back to reality. Your eyes went wide and you jumped behind the curtain pulling it close, your face reddening with embarrassment. You felt a jolt of electricity surge through your body. 

You stood for two minutes, your heart pounding. The second act was coming  up and you were sure that his attention would be directed towards you. Normally such things or feelings would have made you wobbly. Today however, you had flutters. Something at the pit of your stomach stirred. How could a glimpse of a man cause such feelings in you. This was insane.

You shook your head and suppressed those flutters and went on to get ready for Act-II.What you didn’t know was that this was the beginning of the many acts with Mr.Mystery Financier


[NOTE:This is the first story I am writing and I know I am pretty vague but I want to first see how people respond to this. So don’t hesitate to send me your feedback. Also I think I will make it a three part story.Send me your requests if you have any special requests for EXO Fanfics :)
