#l 500-1k



Outside The Box (Taehyung x Reader)


Part 1 of With Honor: Notes and Reflections

Pairing: Taehyung x reader (platonic) 

Genres: Fluff with some angst

AUs: Student!AU (this specifically talks about a dental student, but can be applied to pretty much anything)

Word count:711

Tags/trigger warnings: talks about dental instruments (which can be sharp),  just some self-doubt and negative thoughts that go away in the end

Ratings: PG

Summary: You were meant to work magic with your hands. All it takes is a little push.

A/N: I was going through it™, thinking about everything I’d have to leave behind once I graduate. This one goes out to the kind soul, who became one of my closest friends, that helped a scared little freshman on her very first day of lab take a deep breath and believe in herself.


Heart racing, you swallow, breathing in and out, insides fluttering with the bright spark of curiosity that lights up inside of you the moment you sit down at your desk for the very first time. Jaw agape, you itch to reach out and touch the collection of tools that now lay at your fingertips, and think that this might be the closest thing you’ve ever felt to magic. The sharp blades, the blunt ends, the circles and squares, bevels and bends. All of them are capable of producing results you’d never even dreamed were possible before, but only in the hands of an artist. Laying them out neatly on the sheet of paper before you, all one-by-one in a row, you whisper out a silent prayer, hoping that you’ll rise up to the challenge, like the heroes you read about in your favorite books growing up.

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